Pfrst permafrost & antfrz anti freeze

  • Danthegod
    19th Aug 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Permafrost is a liquid wich is very cold it can only be melted at insane tempertures it can be used to cool stiff down (get it on lava lava becomes stone etc.) Anti freeze is the opposite pf permafrost it heats up all elaments and can only be cooled at insanely cold tempeetures and makes stone lava and kills stickmen because of its c4azy temp

  • tptquantum
    19th Aug 2017 Member 1 Permalink


    Permafrost is a liquid wich is very cold it can only be melted at insane tempertures it can be used to cool stiff down (get it on lava lava becomes stone etc.) Anti freeze is the opposite pf permafrost it heats up all elaments and can only be cooled at insanely cold tempeetures and makes stone lava and kills stickmen because of its c4azy temp

     Permafrost = FRZZ

    Antifreeze = URAN + BOYL

  • docRoboRobert
    19th Aug 2017 Member 1 Permalink

    @tptquantum (View Post)

    Permafrost - FRZW 

    Antifreeze - Any type of heating system (CLNE + PLSM) (SPRK + TUNG).

  • Ben_Ger
    23rd Aug 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    You could make it to something different. Like permafrost being the solid/powder version of FRZZ ("infects" powders which will then start cooling down to say -30 degrees celsius)

    And For Antifreeze? Why not make it what it is in real life: A liquid designed to stay a liquid at cold temperatures, although you would need to differentiate it from glow.