Maybe most of you have known. Just for beginners (like me :P)
*Spark to let SHLD grow, from outer to inner: SHLD SHD2 SHD3 SHD4
*SHLD should grow again only when SHD2 or inner ones were destroyed
*Any type of SHLD is immune to heat attack. And they do not conduct heat. But place your stickman on a SHLD with 8000 degrees is NOT safe( die for the heat radiation? maybe) while if you place some water on, it stay 22 degrees.
*SHLD can be heat up by PHOT
*SHLD is immune to almost everything EXCEPT pressure, it's the only way to destroy it
*SHLD crash to nothing under pressure more than 9 *SHD2 crash to nothing under pressure more than 19 *SHD3 crash to nothing under pressure more than 30 *SHD4 crash to nothing under pressure more than 50
*When destroyed, the higher of the SHLD class, the slower it regrows: if SHD4 is destroyed, it takes seconds to recover (~5s to fully recovery, run at 55 FPS)
With them you can build a destructible but immortal vault
wikku9 I don't know much about code, just some experiments :p Just before the post I thought it was 10/20/30/50, but with one pixel AIR tool I found it's 9/19/30/50 actually. Maybe 49.8 or 50.056, but I can't know that