Ingame tpt brush editor

  • ssccsscc
    19th Jun 2017 Member 3 Permalink

    To launch editor wtite "BrushEditor()" in the console.
    Currently avilable tools: Square, Filled square, point.
    To use Square or Filled square press to select first point and press again to selcet second point.
    RMB - Erase
    LMB - Draw
    You can find saved brushes in the folder "Brushes" in the tpt directory.
    After saving restart tpt and you can now select your brush using Tab key.


    Edited once by ssccsscc. Last: 25th Jun 2017
  • jacob1
    24th Jun 2017 Developer 1 Permalink
    I approved this script on the script server now:

    I made two changes. One is that I added fs.makeDirectory("Brushes"), it can't save the brushes if the directory doesn't exist.
    I also changed the os.execute("start <forumlink>") to platform.openLink("<forumlink>"). This is more cross platform. The platform API isn't documented in the wiki yet.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 24th Jun 2017
  • belibertucio
    29th Nov 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    How do I delete a brush that I made? I can't find the tpt directory

  • kit237
    11th February Member 0 Permalink

    how to remove brushes???

  • kit237
    20th June Member 0 Permalink

    instructions for removing brushes(titanic thanks to LBPHacker):
    1) click on settings (checkmark in the corner of the screen)

    2) scroll down and click "open data folder"
    3) open the “brushes” folder in the window that opens
    4) delete the ones you want

    Edited 2 times by kit237. Last: 20th June