I made my 1st and 2nd suggestions list and then @jacob1 told me that I should suggest less elements and add more details. So, I listened and this is separate topic about my element - Cesium. My english isn't perfect, but let's move on:
Cesium (CESM) - The sexier brother of Rubidium and much more interesting and funny to play.
Basic info:
Name: CESM - Cesium
Description: Cesium. Reactive alkali metal. Very low melting point.
Type: Solid, in electronics (or explosives) section
Spawn temp.: 22.00*C
Heat conductivity: 100%
Relative weight: 100
Gravity: 0
Acid dissolove rate: 0.1%
Flammability: 100
Explosive: When touching FIRE/PLSM
Precise informations:
Cesium is a light-yellow alkali metal. Conducts SPRK at the regular speed. Cesium is very reactive (like in real life).
This metal has very low melting point. Melts at 28*C into liquid Cesium (LCSM). Somewhat similar to its poor brother - RBDM. But Cesium is better! Cesium is more realistic alkai metal! It wants to be usefull! It's interesting instead of its brother RBDM, which is more boring and kind of forgotten! Cesium is sexier, more interesting, more reactive, more usefull and scientists love it! Ok, enough. Let's go back. This metal has lots of reactions. Cesium can be ignited by using fire or plasma. When CESM is burning, it releases FIRE, small amount of EMBR, preassure: 2.00 and temp: 1000*C. It reacts with all types of water (Cesium explodes releaseing FIRE and EMBR). Cesium reacts with oxygen. If CESM touches oxygen, it will form Cesium oxide, which is a CESM (tmp: 1). Cesium oxide (CESM (tmp: 1)) is darker and can be turn again into normal CESM. Cesium reacts with ACID and CAUS. When touches ACID, it will turn into SALT and HYGN. With CAUS reaction is the same. Also, when Cesium oxide touches ACID or CAUS, it will form SALT and DSTW. Cesium is that reactive that it can react even with GOLD! Cesium + Gold (CsAu) is CESM (tmp: 2). CsAu (CESM (tmp: 2)) is a special type of CESM, which has light-gold texture and conducts electricity like gold. This material will decompose in high temp. and will react with water, creating SALT (there's no hydroxides) and GOLD. Cesium has two unique abilities: Its life value changes from 5 - 0 all the time (one cycle takes 5 frames). This can be used in atomic clock (in version 92.0 life detector has been added, so creating atomic clock would be possible). More interesting fact is that when you bombard Cesium with PHOT, it will change all PHOT into electrons which is similar to real life. It might get sparked by those electrons. I think that's all.
Misc properties:
- Reflects neutrons
- Allows protons
- Conduct SPRK at regular speed
- Allows preassure
- Burns like RBDM
CESM + temp: >28*C = LCSM
CESM + FIRE = FIRE + EMBR (25% chance) + temp: 1000*C + preassure: 2.00
CESM + WATR/DSTW = FIRE + EMBR (50% chance) + temp: 500*C + preassure: 2.00
CESM + SLWT = FIRE + EMBR (25% chance) + SALT + temp: 500*C + preassure: 2.00
CESM + BUBW = SMKE + EMBR (50% chance) + OXYG (10% chance) + temp: 350*C + preassure: 1.00
CESM + OXYG = CESM (tmp: 1)
CESM (tmp:1) + SPRK/temp: >761*C = LCSM(tmp2:>1) + OXYG
CESM + GOLD = CESM (tmp:2)
CESM (tmp:2) + temp: >500*C = LSCM + GOLD
CESM + time = CESM (life:5)
CESM (life:5) + time = CESM
- Explosive material
- More realistic alkai metal
- Fun to build bomb and mess around
- Low melting point makes it good material for keeping friendly temperatures
- Build power plant which uses CESM
- Make some sensitive power conduits which can build fragile electronics, beacouse why not?
- Simulate real life reactions
- Build solar pannels (I hope that they won't melt)
- Do chemical reactions
- Build science apparatures
Uff... That's all about Cesium. Wait! There's liquid Cesium too! :O
Liquid Cesium (LCSM) - Very similar to solid Cesium, but it's liquid, so it can get in nasty places.
Basic info:
Name: LCSM - Liquid Cesium
Description: Liquid Cesium. Similar to solid Cesium. Very reactive.
Spawn temp.: 36.00*C
Heat conductivity: 75%
Relative weight: 50
Gravity: 0.15
Acid dissolove rate: 0.2%
Flammability: 100
Explosive: When touching FIRE/PLSM
Precise informations:
LCSM is a slightly darker (than CESM) liquid similar to its solid version. Being liquid doesn't mean that it's less reactive. No, LSCM is still dangerous and can also get into nasty places. Don't underestimate it! So, liquid Cesium burns the same as solid version. It also react with ACID and CAUS the same as CESM. Doesn't react with GOLD, but still react with OXYG (it will create even darker liquid Cesium with tmp: 1). Liquid Cesium can still conduct electricity. It reacts with water like CESM. It will still convert PHOT into ELEC. Now, it's time for differences: When you heat liquid Cesium enough, it will transform. I don't want to suggest another element, so instead of creating Cesium vapor, it will just become CESM(tmp2: >1). This will happen, when you heat LCSM above 671*C. This type of LCSM doesn't conduct electricity, doesn't react with OXYG (if it have some before, it will release OXYG) and only explodes with ACID, CAUS, and steam. Over 671*C it will glow like LAVA and will shake like hot MERC. Its glow effect depends on temperature (for every 25*C, tmp2 will raise by 1 point). This effect is similar to VIBR and max value of tmp2 is 50 (setting tmp2 over 50 will cause strong white light). This high-heated LCSM instead of transforming PHOT into ELEC, will reflect PHOT and change its color to light-yellow. That's all.
Misc properties:
- The same as CESM.
LCSM + temp: >671*C = LCSM(tmp2:>1)
LCSM + FIRE = FIRE + EMBR (25% chance) + temp: 1000*C + preassure: 2.00
LCSM + WTRV = FIRE + EMBR (50% chance) + temp: 500*C + preassure: 2.00
LCSM + BUBW = SMKE + EMBR (50% chance) + OXYG (10% chance) + temp: 350*C + preassure: 1.00
LCSM (temp:<761*C) + OXYG = CESM (tmp: 1)
LCSM (tmp:1) + SPRK/temp: >761*C = LCSM (tmp2:≥0) + OXYG
LCSM + time = LCSM (life:5)
LCSM (life:5) + time = LCSM
LCSM (temp:<761*C) + PHOT = LCSM + ELEC
LCSM (temp:≥761*C) +PHOT = LCSM + PHOT (yellow colour)
LCSM (tmp2: ≥1) + temp: +25*C = LCSM (tmp2: +1)
LCSM (tmp: 1) + temp: ≥761*C = LCSM + OXYG
- Liquid Cesium can be used as good heat transmiter in power plants.
Basicly, the same uses as solid Cesium instead of LCSM is liquid
Ok, that's all. My suggestion is finished. Please comment!
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I saw a guy who bought some Cesium and made bomb from it. :o
Cool. I saw that you can buy cell filled with Cesium for 80€ in the internet.
Good to know. Cesium has 4 isotopes and Cs 137 is common product in nuclear waste.
Wow, that's interesting. I agree with your prof.