Hello. I'm trying to fllow the guide in the wiki on how to compile TPT with SCons on Windows. I've successfully installed MinGW,Git Bash,Python27,and SCons. Now I've come to the part where I need to edit the %Path% environment variable. I set it to "C:\MinGW\bin;C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts" just as it said in the guide, and no I do not need a semicolon at the beginning because the %Path% was empty to begin with. So I set %Path% to that, but when I type 'cc' in the Git Bash shell, it says 'cc: Command not found'. Please help me.
I restarted my computer. It still doesn't work. :( And I've also checked that everything is installed in the right directories, and they are.
Did that, restarted, and still doesn't work
EDIT: hmm wait. When I checked the variable in cmd, it shows the C:/MinGW and stuff twice, but doesn't show in the control panel place...
EDIT2: Okay now I checked again with cmd, and it shows that Path has all the stuff I need, but I restarted my computer and Git Bash still doesn't work!
EDIT3: Python seems to work, but not cc
Config.log: http://pastebin.com/u1PAcTmC
scons.py: http://pastebin.com/YPxk9JFU