New Elements Suggestions for TPT 2

  • docRoboRobert
    8th Mar 2017 Member 3 Permalink

    Hi, this is my second work and my english isn't perfect. I have some interesting ideas which would be good to see in game. Some of them probably were suggested, but It's hard to see them all. If someone (like jacob1) read it, please comment. This is part 2 of my suggestions list. If you haven't seen part 1, you should see it. Ok, let's start:

    (Before you start, you should chack part 1)

    • QURK - Quark - An elementary particle. Moves like Protons. It has different colours (from yellow to light blue). Quarks move fast (3 pix/frame). It can spawn with 2 different types - up quark (tmp: 1) and down quark (tmp: 2). Quarks with the same tmp don't reacts with themself. Quarks with different tmp can create other particles. Quarks create Antimatter in negative preassure or NEUT/PROT in possitive preassure. Quarks live only for 15 frames.
    • SPTG - Smart Particle Gate - (I don't know Is this banned) Light-purple element. Allows particles with special propeties to pass through. It's unbreakable and unflamable but conduct heat. This element allows particles with higher: life, tmp, tmp2. It doesn't need electricity to work. Setting ctype won't do anything. It would have multipe uses in sorting and electronic systems.
    • SPSN - Special Particle Sensor - Brown detector that generates spark when it touches particles with special propeties. It's unbreakable and unflamable. It generates spark when it touches element with: higher life, higher tmp and higher tmp2. If you set ctype on it, it will search only from selected material. It would also have many uses in electronic things.
    • TRTM - Tritium - Special isotope of Hydrogen. It's dark purple gas. Radioactive product of fusion. Slowly emmits NEUT. Can be use in fusion to create other elements. Create Helium with PROT and preassure. Basic temp. = 22*C. When it emmits NEUT, it changes into HYGN. Can make DEUT with Oxygen (it will emmit one NEUT too)
    • HDPL - Hardened plate - Strong solid material. Colour - 0xFF7E88A3. Doesn't conduct electricity. Conduct heat 2x slower than QRTZ. Blocks preassure. It's able to reflect NEUT and PROT. Melts at 2726*C. When it's melting, it's 20% chance that HDPL will break (on CNCT, IRON, PQRT, BRCK). Can be created on two ways. 1. Molten CNCT + Molten IRON + must touch QRTZ. 2. Molten BRCK + Molten TTAN + preassure/gravity >100.00. It's good to build bunker with this material.
    • LITH - Lithium - The first metal in periodic table. Light shiny metal. Conduct heat and electricity. It's white, but emmits light when charged. It can be created in fusion of HELM or HYGN. It also fuse into other elements. Create SALT with acid. The most important thing is, that it can store electricity. It can be use in realistic battery. It take spark from PSCN, SILV and COPR. It give spark to NSCN and TIN. When it's charging the life goes up (life: +1), but when it's discharging the life goes down (life:-1). Lithium is able to conduct electricity when it's full charged. The max amount of spark is 25. If it contains more than 25 sparks (life: >25), Lithium will generate LIGH like Tesla coil. Moltan Lithium won't store electricity and if it had some, it will generate PLSM.
    • CESM - Cesium - White-yellow alcai metal. Colour: 0xFFE7E57D. Basic temp. is 22*C, but this metal has very low melting point - 28*C. Liquid Cesium is good heat transmiter and doesn't glow. Very reactive. Flamable like RBDM. Explode with Water or Acid and create Salt. It can absorb OXYG, but then it will become darker (tmp: 1). Darker Cesium (tmp: 1) can be changed back into light version (tmp: 0), but then it will releace OXYG. This metal has a special ability: Its life change from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 0 in every frame. This can be used in atomic clock. Cesium change light (PHOT) into Electrons like in real life. This can be used in solar pannels or to show photoelectric effect.
    • RFGL/HGLS - Reinforced glass or Hardened Glass (decide) - Stronger type of glass. Solid. Colour is similar to regular glass, but with powder effect (0xFF2D303E). Can be made when molen glass is mixed with molten QRTZ or molten HDPL, but preassure must be above 8.00. Melts at 1950*C. Slowly conduct heat, but doesn't conduct electricity. Blocks preassure. Can stand in high preassure if preassure changes slowly. Breaks under high preassure or strong gravity on BGLA, PQRT or STNE (rare). Refracts Photons like regular glass, but can randomly scatter them. Slows down Neutrons and can react with them like GLAS. It's an Acid - resistant material. Doesn't break with hot Water and Steam. Can be used with stronger buildings as good, resistant material. It will be usefull, beacouse ist's less limited than regular glass.
    • SULF - Sulphur - Yellow powder. Flamable, but burns 2x quicker than Coal. Has lots of reactions. Can produce Gunpowder with BCOL. Sulphur can be used to produce Acid. Can also be used to create Salt. Sulphur doesn't conduct electricity. Sulphur has two types: regular (tmp: 1) and crystalized form (tmp:2). Crystals are solid. Sulphur is a good fertilizer, so it makes your plants growing faster. Over 96*C Sulphur is able to form cystals (tmp: 2). Sulphur crystals can exist below 96*C, but this needs preassure over 5.00. Sulphur melts at 119*C. Liquid sulphur is special element (LSPH). Molten sulphur becomes brown in higher temp. (change colour like Coal). It's getting more dense in higher temp. and is the most dense at 197*C. Over 197*C Sulphur becomes regular liquid. Sulphur evaporates at 445*C. Sulphur creates lots of different types of acid in real life, but in TPT is only one type, so it can create the same acid with different materials. Tell me more propeties for Sulphur!


    - QURK (tmp. 1) + QURK (tmp. other than 1) = PROT/NEUT

    - QURK (tmp. 1) + QURK (tmp. other than 1) + preassure <0 = AMTR

    - QURK (tmp. 1) + QURK (tmp. other than 1) + ELEC = HYGN (15% chance)

    - SPTG + EMP wave = BRMT/BREL + temp. 400*C

    - SPSN + EMP wave = BREL + temp. 500*C

    - HYGN + NEUT + temp. >5000*C = TRTM

    - DEUT + NEUT + temp. >8000*C + preassure >200.00 = HELM (10%chance) + TRTM + OXYG

    - NEUT + PROT + ELEC + preassure >225.00 + temp. >8000*C = HYGN (50% chance) + TRTM (50% chance)

    -TRTM + PROT + temp. >6000*C = HELM + NEUT

    -TRTM + time = HYGN + NEUT

    -TRTM + OXYG +temp. >7000*C = DEUT + NEUT

    -HDPL + temp. >2726*C = molten HDPL + CNCT/PQRT/IRON/BRCK (20% chance)

    - molten CNCT + molten IRON + must touch QRTZ/PQRT = HDPL

    - molten BRCK + molten TTAN + preassure/gravity >100.00 = HDPL

    -HELM + PROT + THDR = LITH + NEUT + CO2 (20% chance)

    -HYGN + THDR + PROT = HELM + CO2 + LITH (25% chance)


    -LITH/molten LITH + THDR/PLSM + temp. >6500*C = OXYG + NBLE + CO2 + NEUT/ELEC

    -LITH + SPRK(PSCN/SILV/COPR) = LITH (life: +1)

    -LITH (life: >1) + NSCN/TIN = LITH (life: -1) + SPRK(NSCN/TIN)

    -LITH (life: >25) = LITH (life: -1) + LIGH (temp: 326*C)

    -LITH + temp: > 220*C + THDR/LIGH = molten LITH + PLSM/LIGH 

    -LITH (life: >1) + temp: >220*C = molten LITH + PLSM

    CESM + temp: >28*C = molten CESM

    CESM/molten CESM + FIRE = FIRE + EMBR (25% chance) + temp: 1000*C

    CESM + WATR = FIRE + EMBR (50% chance) + SALT (10% chance) + temp: 500*C


    CESM + SULF/molten SULF = SALT (low chance)

    CESM + OXYG = CESM (tmp: 1)

    CESM (tmp:1) + SPRK/temp: >450*C = CESM + OXYG

    CESM + time = CESM (life:1)

    CESM (life:1) + time = CESM 

    CESM + PHOT = CESM + ELEC exposure 

    molten GLAS + molten QRTZ/HDPL + preassure >8.00 = molten RFGL

    RFGL + temp: >1950*C = molten RFGL 

    RFGL + rapidly changed preassure/gravity = BGLA/PQRT + STNE (5%chance)

    RFGL + PHOT = same reaction as GLAS + 5% chance to scatter PHOT 

    RFGL + NEUT = same reaction as GLAS

    SULF + FIRE = SULF (life: -1) + FIRE + temp: 500*C


    SULF + temp: >96*C = SULF (tmp: 2)

    SULF + temp: >119*C = liquid sulphur (SLPH)

    SULF + HYGN = ACID + CAUS (20% chance)


    SULF + LITH/RBDM/CESM + preassure >15.00 = SALT (10%chance)

    SULF + PLNT = PLNT (from SULF) reaction is slow and randomly 


    - That's all. Please comment and say if you need more info.

    Edited 7 times by docRoboRobert. Last: 9th May 2017
  • QuanTech
    8th Mar 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @docRoboRobert (View Post)

     Great for mods. Not useful/unique enough for official. Plus suggesting many unrelated elements in one post is not a good thing to do.

  • docRoboRobert
    10th Mar 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @QuanTech: OK, thanks.

    Can someone comment this?

  • Fnaf65
    15th Mar 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Can we Have Ink pls i love ink

  • TPT_PL
    17th Mar 2017 Member 3 Permalink
    @Fnaf65 (View Post)
    Yeah Ink is great we Use It to write and it's fantastic so we can write with it on paper which we don't Have I Luv Dis idea

    Not to insult, but your post was shred, burnt and treated with ClF3. Sorry for inconvenience.
  • danieldan0
    17th Mar 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @Fnaf65 (View Post)

     We have BIZR.

  • docRoboRobert
    6th May 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    I've added all reactions. My list is complete now! Please comment.

  • docRoboRobert
    9th May 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    /me bump this post, beacouse want more comments from other users.

  • docRoboRobert
    10th May 2017 Member 0 Permalink


    Please, comment this.

  • jacob1
    11th May 2017 Developer 0 Permalink
    I'd just like to point out that according to the thread How to Suggest an Element, you shouldn't have a "List of multiple unrelated elements". This is just way too many elements at once. It does seem detailed, I haven't read it but maybe someone will make a lua mod out of it or something.

    Also, RFGL is already an element in the next version, it stands for "refrigerant liquid"