Wall name: CWALL (CWLL),
Functions: Allows Element of its CTYPE , Absorbs element of its ctype while the walls life is 0
It Could Have Life and Ctype , It just works like for example: Liquid wall but it only allows element if its ctype ... It would be usefull in Making Sorters, Oil goes to oil and Desl goes to desl cannister
Link to The presentation save (fp lol)
I hope that it will be added;)
This WALL Would be VERY USEFULL ..... Or it could be a normal element in special tab...
Did you just read what jacob2 said about walls not having ctypes???
Oh... You was banned... Hello... Yes i read what jacob2 wrote but i said :It could be normal element in special tab
You had to point that out? :( Also, you *were banned
Oh... STOR works like this... Is it destructible? ... I need to do science with it