New element suggestions for TPT

  • docRoboRobert
    11th Oct 2016 Member 3 Permalink

    Hi, this is my first work and my english isn't perfect. I have some intresting ideas which would be good to see in game. Some of them probably were suggested, but It's hard to see them all. If someone (like jacob1) read it, please comment. Ok, let's start:

    • PPTI/PPTO - powered portal in/out - The portals that can be switched off/on by PSCN or NSCN. This would be usefull in controled transport. Portals have the same propeties like regular.
    • HELM - Helium - Special type of noble gas. Very light, so it always goes up. Unflamable and unreactive gas. It has light-blue colour. Helium is a product of fusion and it can also fuse like hydrogen too. Can be changed to liquid helium at -269*C. Liquid helium is a SUPERFLUIDITY.
    • PLST - Plastic - It is a blue-green solid. Plastic melts over 350*C. The most usefull is that plastic moves under preassure like goo, but doesn't evaporate. Acid can't destroy it. Good for balistic simulations.
    • COPR - Copper - Red-brown metal. Conduct electricity. Good heat transmiter. Melts at 1080*C. Copper breaks when preassure is over 5.00 and makes copper dust (CPRD). Reacts with acid and tin. Acid can destroy copper, but before that copper generate electricity. Combined with tin (as alloy) can make electrolisis. With OXYG changes colour to blue-green (COPR with tmp:1)
    • CPRD - Copper dust - Quite heavy powder that can be melted into solid. Conduct electicity. Reacts with tin. Melts at 1080*C. Looks like solid copper, but it's little brighter. With OXYG changes colour to blue-green (tmp: 1)
    • TIN - Tin - White solid. Conducts electricity and melts at 500*C. Breaks under preassure (over 5.00) and create tin dust (TIND). Molten tin reacts with molten copper. When tin is next to copper then we have alloy which generate electricity from acid/salt water. Tin can protect iron from rusting.
    • BRNZ - Bronze - Brown metal. Melt at 1050*C. Bronze is a secret metal. It creates if you combine molten tin with copper. Regular electricity conductor. It can be use as preassure shield (works like titan, but pass 1/2 preassure).
    • MGNS - Magnesium - White-grey shiny solid. Very reactive. Burning magnesium creates strong flame (3000*C). Magnesium burns as long as BCOL. When burning magnesium collide with water it would change into hydrogen and magnesium oxide (MGNO). With oxygen and CO2 burning magnesium change to MGNO too. MGSN with acid makes hydrogen. Conducts electricity.
    • MGNO - Magnesium oxide - Burned magnesium. Can be restored to MGNS with hydrogen. Secret element. Slowly conducts electricity.
    • TIND - Tin dust - Quite heavy white dust. Conduct electricity. Looks like solid tin, but it's little brighter. Melts at 500*C. Similar propeties to TIN.
    • SILV - Silver - Shiny white metal. The best electricity conductor. Conducts electricity even faster than gold. Ignores insulator. Spark can "jump" for even 4 pixels lenght. It also changes colour of photons to white. Melts at 900*C. Acid can't destroy it. Can conduct spark to most of metals (instead if INST and INWR). Protect IRON from corrosion. SILV can reflect NEUT and even PROT. (It would has multiple uses in TPT)
    • LEAD - Lead - Dark heavy metal. Melts at 327*C. Liquid lead is very heavy (swim only on MERC). Lead absorb neutrons (when lead absorbs NEUT life goes up), but only 25/pixel. It kills living organisms. Good to use in nuclear reactors.
    • SUGR - Sugar - White dust. Sugar melts in water and makes sweat water (SWTR). When sweat water evaporates, sugar crystallize.YEST like sugar and growns on it. Sugar has crastallized form with tmp: 1 Sugar can heal stickman. Crystalized sugar (tmp: 1) is similar to CLST. Sugar reacts with acid and change into broken coal (acid is hygroscopic). Flameable, but burn like DUST. Can be recycle to broken coal, hydrogen and oxygen in high temp (over 800*C).
    • NCWT - Nuclear waste - Dark-green heavy powder. Radioactive. Product of nuclear reactions (from uranium, plutonium, deuterium, etc.). Randomly emmits NEUT. It kills living orghanisms. When it emmits 10 NEUT, it would change to STNE/BRMT. Can be changed back into radioactive material by using NEUT and strong preassure/gravity (over 100.00). (TPT need more radioactive stuff)
    • BGNP - Black gunpowder - Dark powder. Stronger than gunpowder. Produsts 2x more preassure than TNT and emmits 50% of EMBR and 50% of fire. Explosion has 2000*C. Explode immidiently and can be ignited like GUN or when temp: >400*C. Good for stronger bombs, beacouse TPT doesn't have strong non-radioactive materials.
    • KRSN - Kerosine - Liquid rocket fulel. Good solutin for rockets. Dark-blue liquid burns longer than oil (more like coal), beacouse it has life 10 (burn like coal with life: 10). It also generates more preassure (2x more than fire) and flames have 900*C. Can be ignited like OIL or when temp. >500*C. Floats on water.
    • SOIL - Soil - Light-brown powder. Melts at 900*C. The best is that it can absorb water (life changes like in sponge) like sponge but it can absorb max 10 pixels of water. When it's absorbing water, the colour is changing to more dark. Soil with more than 8 absorbed pixels of water (life: >8) has the propeties similar to CLST. Wet soil can be dryed by vapourating water (temp. >100*C) Good for landscapes and models (and plants).
    • SWTR - Sweat water - It's basicly sugar with water. This liquid is more light than SLTW and has the same dense. Heals stickman and YEST grown on it. When temp. <-2*C it changes into ice. It also evaporite over 100*C and then change into steam and crystalized sugar (SUGR with tmp: 1).


    HYGN + temp: >5000*C + THDR/preassure = (standard fusion products) + HELM

    HELM + temp: >7000*C + THDR/preassure = CO2 + NEUT + NBLE + PROT + PLSM + OXYG

    HELM + temp: >9000*C + gravity: >200 = CO2 + THDR (25% chance) + NBLE (25% chance)

    GOO + OIL + preassure > 5.00 = PLST

    PLST + EXOT/BIZR + preassure > 5.00 = OIL/GOO (50% chance) +EXOT/BIZR


    COPR + preassure > 5.00 = CPRD

    molten COPR + molten TIN = BRNZ

    molten CPRD + molten TIND = BRNZ

    COPR + OXYG = COPR (tmp: 1)

    CPRD + OXYG = CPRD (tmp: 1)

    MGNS + FIRE/PLSM = FIRE + temp: 3000*C

    burning MGNS + WATR/WTRV = HYGN + MGNO

    burning MGNS + OXYG = MGNO

    burning MGNS + CO2 = MGNO + BCOL



    SILV + PHOT = SILV + PHOT (colour changed to white)

    LEAD + NEUT = LEAD (life: +1)

    LEAD + PLNT/YEST/STKM = LEAD + DUST (from living material)

    LEAD + preassure > 200.00 + PROT = URAN (33% chance) + PLUT (47% chance) + NCWT (20% chance)


    YEST + SUGR = YEST (SUGR changed to YEST)


    SUGR + temp: >800*C = BCOL + WTRV

    SUGR + preassure > 20.00 = SUGR (tmp: 1)

    HYGN/HELM + THDR + preassure > 200.00 = (standard fusion products) + URAN/PLUT + NCWT (5% chance)

    NBLE/CO2/OXYG + THDR/LIGH + temp: >9000*C = (standard fusion products) + NCWT (10% chance)

    PLUT + PROT + preassure <-200.00 = URAN + NEUT + STNE/LAVA + NCWT

    URAN + EXOT + NEUT/PROT + preassure >250.00 = NCWT + temp: 9000*C + NEUT/PROT/ELEC + LEAD+STNE

    NCWT + preassure >0.00 = NEUT + NCWT (life: -1)

    NCWT + PLNT/YEST/VINE/STKM = NCWT + DUST (from living material)

    NCWT + preassure/gravity > 100.00 + NEUT = URAN (50% chance) + PLUT

    BGNP + FIRE/PLSM/SPRK/temp: >400*C = temp: 2000*C + FIRE (50% chance) + EMBR (50% chance)

    KRSN + FIRE/PLSM/SPRK/temp: >500*C = temp: 900*C + FIRE

    KRSN + NEUT/preassure <-5.00 = DESL/OIL + GAS

    SOIL + DSTW/WATR = SOIL (life: +1)

    SOIL + SLWT = SOIL (life: +1) + SALT

    SOIL (life: >1) + temp: >100*C = SOIL + WTRV (amount of WTRV depends on life of soil)

    SWTR + YEST = YEST (SWTR changed to YEST)

    SWTR + temp: >100*C = WTRV + SUGR (tmp: 1)

    SWTR + temp: <-2*C = ICE


    * Copper & Tin alloy

    When copper and tin are next to each other, we have an alloy (like PSCN + NSCN). Uses for this alloy:

    - generates SPRK when it touches ACID (Volta's battery)

    - generates SPRK with SLWT

    - when sparked, changes WATR/DSTW to HYGN and OXYG (electrolysis)

    - can activate powered materials (but can't switch off)

    - copper transmits SPRK to tin but TIN doesn't transmit SPRK to copper (one way circiut)


    Thats all, I hope you like it. Please comment.

    Edited 15 times by docRoboRobert. Last: 25th Oct 2016
  • tptquantum
    11th Oct 2016 Member 2 Permalink

    SUGR is on the bad suggestions list.

  • docRoboRobert
    11th Oct 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Oh, I didn't konw. I will cancel this.

    But what with others?

  • jacob2
    11th Oct 2016 Member 3 Permalink
    SUGR is not on the bad suggestions list. Only a handful of things are.

    I suggest you read this thread anyway though:

    #4 says you shouldn't post a list of multiple unrelated things. At least you put more detail than most do into the list, though.
  • docRoboRobert
    11th Oct 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    OK, I made more precise description and I'm still working.

    Edited once by docRoboRobert. Last: 12th Oct 2016
  • hast5250
    13th Oct 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    Gallium-GALM Melts at 29 degrees C, conductive

    LGLM-Liquid gallium, conductive, mass decreases with pressure


    Cesium-CESM Explosive, Like rdbm, Gold colour, melts at 24 degrees, conductive.

    LCSM-liquid cesium


    TRIT- Tritium, like deutrium, more reactive, randomy gives off neut and turns into deut


    Edited once by hast5250. Last: 13th Oct 2016
  • docRoboRobert
    13th Oct 2016 Member 0 Permalink
    Your ideas are intresting, but you shouldn't suggest a lot of metals from predoic table that have similar propeties. Also, Tritium sounds cool.
    Edited once by docRoboRobert. Last: 13th Oct 2016
  • hast5250
    17th Oct 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    tritium is a real substance.. it's an isotope of hydrogen, like deutrium. also, gallium would have some good uses, as you can make tempreature sensors, (not cheat with tmns)

    Gallium is also a very different substance to cesium. cesium is more akin to rubidium, wheras gallium is more like mercury.


    P.S, I could mod these elements into the game, as well as your suggestions, if you want..

    Edited once by hast5250. Last: 17th Oct 2016
  • docRoboRobert
    25th Oct 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    hast5250: Ok, that would be adwesome.


    That's a first part of my suggestions list. I will add second page soon.

  • tptquantum
    25th Oct 2016 Member 2 Permalink

    CESM's life value could change from 0 to 1 every frame. It is used to make atomic clocks, so if we have a life sensor (LSNS) that detects either value change (tmp2 = 1) or when life reach temp value of LSNS (tmp2 = 0).


    And you could put your ideas on pastebin.

    Edited once by tptquantum. Last: 25th Oct 2016