I'd make one, however coding is not my thing. Design and Engineering on their own are just a side passion. Main one not even being related. However, it will be cool to see someone put all the pain staking work to put together litterally every single element known to man kind into a powder toy game. And better yet make it so they can actually react and even form compounds. Just throwing ideas out there for when somebody with the ambition, skill, time and work ethic to do something like this comes along. Might take a few thousand years but damn it I want some science.
Gonna be completely honest here- I don't think this is worthwhile.
It's not that it's a bad idea, it's that I'm not sure TPT is the right engine for it. For the amount of work it would take, you might as well just start from scratch.
I'm no expert on coding or anything, but I do know that trying to force an idea to run on an existing engine is never ideal