I discovered one of the new substances today when I made water vapor (WTRV), paused the game, and brought it to absolute zero. When I unpaused it, the water vapor instantly froze into an ice-like substance labeled RIME, which is missing in every menu. If heated past 1 degree, it changes into normal water. Neutrons do nothing unusual to it, and no elements seem to react with it. Does anyone know what RIME is, or why it is different from ice?
New update on its properties! Unlike ice, it is unaffected by pressure. ALSO, when you spark it with normal metal, it turns into yet another element; FOG. I'll let you know when I've done some more testing, on both substances. And yes, it oddly has the exact same color as solid rubidium.
FOG info! Although it is a gas, it does not diffuse equally throughout a space, but seems to hover around where it was created. If heated beyond 100 degrees, it turns into water vapor. When it contacts almost any substance, it turns back into RIME. Thanks for the link Catelite! That page says "Hard rime is a white ice that forms when the water droplets in fog freeze to the outer surfaces of objects." That also explains FOG's tendency to turn into RIME when it touches things.
i also found that it could be made by reducing the pressure inside a vessel filled with wrtv keeps it in a state of gas, rupturing that vessel creates a rime plug