"How is this fp???"

  • Beebs
    27th Apr 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Could there be a filter on comments like these? They are quite literally taking over in every single comment thread that appears on the front page (with an exception of the well-known creators like SandwichLizard and whatnot) and it really is getting very annoying to see so much. I've attempted to express my $.02 at each person who says anything like that, but it almost always turns into a fight which I know isn't wise of me to indulge in. But it's gotten pretty bad lately so it's hard to hold back.

  • jacob2
    27th Apr 2016 Member 0 Permalink
    I find these comments annoying too. It seems like most people don't understand the front page formula at all, it is actually very easy to get front page and then you often stay there.

    I've been thinking of adding a comment filter, but only for stuff like swearing / asking for votes. Maybe I could add one for this too. But it might be better if it didn't just completely ban these things, then people would just avoid the specific things that trigger it. Maybe it could give a warning, or alert mods about the comment.

    Another idea I had was a bit that scans front page for things. Might be a good idea ...