Bray lasers can pass through filt and INWR instantly, and charging it with INST instead of metl makes the laser able to pass through pscn and nscn. also, charging it with pscn makes it a negative bray laser, which delates stable bray particles from collided bray lasers :)
You can make some interesting stuff with it like my or other aray typewriters or copyers. It can also be used as a weapon if it is done wrong(or right). If two aray contact they stay there for awhile. But if you spark it with pscn, it wil delete the bray that was contacted or just other bray. The bray that contacts will last for 1000 frames and otherwise it is 100. If you keep contacting it or go over it, it will refresh and bring its life up for a longer lasting time. See the typewriter on front page to see an example.