Improved Nuclear Physics

  • FissileWolf
    15th Mar 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Hello, I am new here and sometime ago I developed an obsession with nuclear physics. A little over a week ago I first discovered The Powder Toy, which I enjoy, but I find that much of the nuclear physics seem incomplete, unless everything I know is wrong, which might actually be the case. The point I am attempting to make is that the game would be much more enjoyable if the nuclear physics had some additions and maybe changes. I was disappointed at the uranium--I can barely find any uses for it when I know in reality uranium is a much more useful element. If change should go anywhere, it should go to that before anything. Aside from that, the addition of alpha and beta particles and gamma rays would be a massive improvement on the current state of TPT's nuclear physics. Uranium should emit alpha particles, fission should create gamma rays, and so on.


    I apologize for bothering the forum with this suggestion and I recommend whoever reads this takes everything I explained about the reality of nuclear physics with a grain of salt, because I am not very experienced in nuclear science for the time being and in addition to that I also have a tendency to mix up some details, so it would be a better idea for one to do the research on the subject themself than to take my word for it. I just think that the game would have more to offer if the nuclear physics were more accurate.

  • Cracker1000
    15th Mar 2016 Member 1 Permalink
    @FissileWolf (View Post)
    First of all welcome to powdertoy. I too suggest additions to tpt(the powder toy) but the reason why these elements are not added is that with every element (with very less uses) added will slow down the simulation.Also tpt isn't meant to be realistic for eg portals never exists in reality.However you are welcome to suggest and if your suggestion gets liked by community and developers it will surely be added.You can ask for help to me or any other member or moderator.try giving more uses of the element you suggest.
    Edited once by cracker1000. Last: 15th Mar 2016
  • DanielGalrito
    17th Mar 2016 Member 2 Permalink

    Hey FissileWolf, you are not the only one obsessed with nuclear physics, Im obsessed with it too that i even coded 2 Lua scripts about sub atomic particles and radioactivity.