Script Errors

  • zeppedy
    11th Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Sorry for the bad Portuguese, English is not my native language.

    I'm with a problem related to scripts, always do some kind of error at the time so I have four to show them:


    attemp to global index 'Button' (a nil value)
    bad argument #1 to 'element' (number expected, got nil)
    Invalid element
    attemp to global index 'Window' (a nil value)


    These are the most common mistakes, if anyone can help me I appreciate

    Again I'm sorry for bad English

  • boxmein
    11th Jan 2016 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Can you post the entire script somewhere so we can run it ourselves and see which part of your script is erroring exactly? :D Here's a few places to hold the script, so pick one:
  • zeppedy
    12th Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @boxmein (View Post)

    Actually are five mistakes so I'll let the script name plus the original download link it

    I'll put the order adding the fifth error: "syntax error near API"


    1: "4 New buttons"-

    2: "ZACKPACK"-

    3: "Electric Glow"-

    4: "Magical Merge Master 3000"-

    5: "MoreBombs.lua"-


    Note: Some scripts ran perfectly in the original TPT, after I installed the mod jacob1 such scripts not rolled over and even restoring the original TPT, they continued to make mistakes. And also I use the script manager cracker64.

  • jacob1
    12th Jan 2016 Developer 0 Permalink
    @AwepergonTrollolol (View Post)
    My mod doesn't support those scripts. The ones that don't work aren't listed in the "online" tab, but if you already had them downloaded I guess they would.

    Eventually I might add support for the interface api, but it isn't top priority. The interface api isn't very good, and if I added support for it I would probably want to fix it up ...
  • hax4life
    2nd May 2016 Member 0 Permalink


    I got zackpack + morebombs in my modpack,running perfectly fine on jacob1's,had to change some stuffs,not sure what i did again tho,try editing some functions in elements,Aswell,interfaces are more annoying at the end so i prefer not using interface involving mods

    Edited 2 times by hax4life. Last: 2nd May 2016
  • antideut8751
    24th Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink