Hello, Is it possible to have a 1 pixel thikness insulator that ia able to block ambient heat instead of 3+?
I like this new feature of insulator but I dont see much use for it for now if you need almost more insulator then actual building elements, just to prevent meltdown by heated airflow. an 1 pixel thikness would suit much better just like titatium only need 1 pixel thikness to block air.
I like to use ambient heat but its damn hard to build complex stuff with so much required insulator:(
Your explaination is wrong or INSL is very buggy.
Example: http://imgur.com/pCcOxgJ
A 3 pixled thick INSL around 1 BMTL and it still heats up. Inmagine if you try to build complex things how much insulator you will end up with. like I said in my first post ^^