Incorrect description of INWR

  • Videogamer555
    14th Dec 2015 Member 0 Permalink
    INWR does not conduct to or from other metals, but it does conduct to and from semiconductors. In fact, semiconductors are the only way to get a SPRK signal into or out of the INWR. So in the description in the game where it says "Insulated Wire. Doesn't conduct to metal or semiconductors", it is incorrect. The description appears when you hover your cursor over the INWR icon in the Electronics element palette.
  • jacob1
    15th Dec 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    Yeah, PTCT and NTCT are also incorrect. If someone gives me more correct descriptions I guess I can change them. Or I might just do it myself later when I have time to keep working on tpt. (probably soon)
  • 12Me21
    21st Dec 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    "Insulated Wire. Only conducts to and from PSCN and NSCN"

    or something like that.


    I'm not really sure what NTCT and PTCT's descriptions should be, maybe something along the lines of:

    "PTCT, conducts from PSCN to NSCN when colder than 100C"