this is soooooo specific. also "resistors" behave consistantly. the electricity does not just "randomly" disapear.
In TPT it should act more like DLAY that has a max delay of like 100 frames and its temp is affected by outside sources and as you described the spark passing thru it.
However. Rather than glowing/decay like DLAY, each pixel acts independently, passing spark to its neighbors based on its own temp. This would create an inconsistant flow thru the condutor based on varying temperature across the length of the conductor. much better than random spark disapearance.
when groups of pixels gets to -150 they work together and behave like INST but still pass spark to higher temp adjacent pixels of itself and vice versa.
I suggest you learn to mod/code. After being a part of this community for a couple years, I seriously doubt that your suggestion will ever become part of standard TPT. It has to fit the game. like you said TPT is seriously unrealistic. trying to make an elaborate element to mimic reality sounds like something for "the science toy" mod.
"At a certain point the probability of the SPRK being removed will be large enough to decrease the amount of current to stop the chain reaction, but it also may not (depending on chance, as probability of SPRK being removed is not a guaranty of it being removed, and also based on the thickness of the wire, and a number of other factors such as emergency cooling systems using GOL particles, etc), and if the chain reaction is not stopped quickly enough, the temperature may exceed the melting point of the material (which will be 1000degC, the same as METL). So the chain reaction failure of the coolant, could cause the wires to get red-hot, or even melt, depending on whether or not all of the SPRK was completely removed before the melting point was reached. By the way, this cascading failure of a superconductor is actually a possibility in real life. It's called "quenching".
Its Awesome.
Its also just way tooooo much.
Maybe you should try streamlining a bit. Good luck in your quest for reality.
I don't really think it's "tooooo much"
The only new feature it has is "resistance", and it is being defined in a simple and specific way, so that each SPRK has a R/5000 chance of disapearing every frame.
Simple elements with simple code can have complex behaviors (Like LIFE, for example)
I also said it was AWESOME. but whatever. just trying to help. All those special conditions do not equal simple code.
I will say no more on the subject.
(add to update function of SPRK)
IF ctype == SUCO THEN
IF temp < -150C THEN resistance = 0 ELSE resistance = 150 + temp 'Calculate resistance
IF RND * 5000 > resistance THEN type = SUCO 'Remove spark
It's written in BASIC so people can read it, but it could be easily translated into C++
EDIT: C++ code:
case PT_SUCO:tp = parts[i].tempresist = tp + 123.15;parts[i].temp = tp + .125 * resistif (rand() % 5000 > resist)sim->create_part(i,x,y,PT_SUCO); //not sure if this is right...break;
(I haven't tested it, but it should work maybe with some small modification. You will also need to add code for the element itself, but that will be very simple, identical to most other metals except in color and name)
I'll try to make a mod that adds this, but I'm not sure how. Are there any tutorials?
It needs to be super specific if it is to be implemented. Notice that with METL, it doesn't just "melt when it gets too hot", instead it "melts when it reaches 1000degC"....