my avatar shows on the powder toy website but not on powder toy. I have an account on Gravatar and clicked edit avatar on powder toy.I uploaded the image and I don't see it in powder toy. Yet it shows up on the powder toy website.
@mecha(View Post) Gravatar, when sending your avatar image for display in the forums, sends the image data along with a little note that says "hey, this avatar isn't something that changes often, so feel free to keep it offline for further use for at least a week or so!"
The time varies, of course, and I can't find a request to Gravatar to check, but the end result is that your browser remembers the old image and doesn't really bother asking for the new. Give it a couple of hours or days, or just tell your browser to reload and clear the cache for this site. In Chrome you can do it with Shift+F5.