Help apprecieated with moving missle bug

  • perogiepro
    23rd Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Im making a small spaceship on TPT. Ive been at it a long time and ive ran into an issue, would anyone know whats wrong?:


    So im adding an automatic "moving (cray and pstn) missle factory" to my ship and it puts the components together one by one then puts a shell on and sends it out into space (cool right?) BUT for the actual moving component of the missle I need to DRAY it to put it on then add one battery to make it move, (own design and is 5 x 6 (one way).


    The issue is that when the mover bit is DRAYed  the cray wont work and where it should delete the block there is a blue pstn piece, like the cray is being delayed by a few frames and messing it up. As far as I know its the cray doing it and something to do with element order.


    Here is the ID:1852765 (its private so dont go sharing it till I relase it as done) and the factory is in the bottom-right. It and the other weapons are the final bit. Please help and any other suggestions are welcome. Just remeber its a WIP.

  • Mrprocom
    24th Sep 2015 Moderator 0 Permalink
    You can inspire from this save (surprisingly, my first save):

    The missile is divided into two peaces, when you stick them together, the missile starts moving.
    There are two pistons moving it, the first one pushes the second half to the right and the second one sticks the first half to it.
    If it is unclear for you, just remove all unnecessary parts (including the explosive ice thing) and watch how it works.

    Edit: Almost forgot, type ~SaveID in your post to post save like what I did.
    So for your save, you just type ~1852765 and it will look like this:
    Edited once by Mrprocom. Last: 24th Sep 2015
  • perogiepro
    24th Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Thanks so much, I think I got it. I saw how your rocket uses no cray so I used that concept of the frame and non-sticky frame to make it work. thanks and your tank is pretty awesome.