Very high value set to -1 internally.

  • LinGeek
    6th Aug 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    When I set the temperature to a really high value for fusion (1 with however many 0s I can fit on), the temperature loops to -274.15, or -1K. 

  • jacob1
    6th Aug 2015 Developer 2 Permalink
    This isn't really a bug, you are just doing it wrong :P

    Temperatures are capped at -273.15C (absolute 0) to 9725.85C (10000K). When the temperatures go outside these range, they are fixed when the game is unpaused.

    If you set the temperature to a really high number, you are actually hitting the maximum cap for an integer, which is 4 bytes so about 2 billion. After that it overflows and turns into a negative number. For me, it always sets it to -2 billion for the first frame, and when I unpause it gets capped to the proper 0K. I can't see why or how it would be -1K, but if it is it would only be for a frame anyway.
  • Alt-Factorial
    6th Aug 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I hope very high values would set to 0, not negative.

  • thomasxin
    6th Aug 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    it's 2,147,483,647.

  • Alt-Factorial
    7th Aug 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @thomasxin (View Post) Exactly. Set a value to 2,147,483,648 and see it go negative.