Poor FPS on new PC?

  • thomasa
    1st Aug 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    After buying a new laptop (i7, 8gb RAM, Nvidia 820M) I've been experiencing  very low frame rates in TPT of 30-40fps. 


    My old laptop (5 years old, i3 processor) would run the same save at a constant 60fps...


    Hs anybody else experienced this kind of an issue before?

  • ChargedCreeper
    1st Aug 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I haven't. TPT runs fine on my tablet (Core i7 4650U, 8 GB DDR3 RAM) and my desktop. Have you tried other builds of TPT like Jacob1's mod?

  • therocketeer
    1st Aug 2015 Member 1 Permalink
    @thomasa (View Post)
    CPU speed.

    Powder toy does not use your GPU for anything. All individual processing for each particle's update function and graphics function is delegated to the CPU which is why the performance is seemingly computationally intensive, even on high end systems. Addendum to this is the fact that CPU speed hasn't really changed *significantly* for consumer systems in the past few years, and so an expensive new laptop now has pretty much the same clock speed as one available in 2010 (around the 3 GHz range).

    EDIT: WOO 4000 POSTS!!!!! just 96 away from a round number milestone
    Edited 3 times by therocketeer. Last: 1st Aug 2015
  • ChargedCreeper
    1st Aug 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @therocketeer not entirely true. There have been architectural improvements to the CPUs that increase instructions per clock cycle also, so there is that to consider too.

  • Lord_Bowserinator
    1st Aug 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @thomasa (View Post) Possibly your new laptop has multiple cores, meaning less power per core. Since TPT isn't multi-threaded, it would probably run slower.


  • ChargedCreeper
    1st Aug 2015 Member 0 Permalink


    @thomasa (View Post) Possibly your new laptop has multiple cores, meaning less power per core. Since TPT isn't multi-threaded, it would probably run slower.


    Nope. The Core i series has turbo boost, which allows some of the cores to run at higher speed if not all the cores are in use and/or thermal conditions permit. For example, my tablet has a 1.7 GHz Core i7... but it can run one of its cores up at 3.3 GHz if needed.


    Not just that, but multi-core allows OS, and other programs to not run on the core being used for other things which can help too. There are many factors.

    Edited once by ChargedCreeper. Last: 1st Aug 2015
  • jenn4
    2nd Aug 2015 Member 0 Permalink
    How much is your CPU load on idle, and how much with TPT on? If you keep hitting the high 70%-100% ranges, there might be a problem with your drivers. Updating everything you can might help.
  • boxmein
    2nd Aug 2015 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Also, if you are really into it, can you compile TPT on your own machine so the build script and gcc/msvc would enable optimizations your CPU supports?
    3rd Aug 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    ever think of the possibilty that your harddrive is poor... ?

    i got a similar problem when canged my system to an OCZ SSD, my FSP fall from 60+ to just 20-40.

    the problem was that the SSD controler was realy bad. the wohle system reacts slower than before but you can hardly recognise it in "normal use" but your FPS in games brake down.

  • ChargedCreeper
    3rd Aug 2015 Member 0 Permalink


    ever think of the possibilty that your harddrive is poor... ?

    i got a similar problem when canged my system to an OCZ SSD, my FSP fall from 60+ to just 20-40.

    the problem was that the SSD controler was realy bad. the wohle system reacts slower than before but you can hardly recognise it in "normal use" but your FPS in games brake down.


    I've heard of bad controllers before but wow that sucks. I have a 512 GB Crucial SSD, and no problems from it at all.