
  • 12Me21
    27th Jun 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    (wow I've been posting a lot of requests...)


    It's hard to tell the difference between signs that link to saves, and signs that link to the forum.

    Forum signs should be a different color, maybe purple.


    Also, it would be really useful to have signs that link to searches. for example,


    {s:search text|message}


    The most useful use for this would be:


    {s:user:Bob|My other saves}

  • Darthan
    27th Jun 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Good idea, but I have lost trust in TPT updates, because since version 80 came out, the only update I considered 'major' was the VIRS update.

  • jacob1
    27th Jun 2015 Developer 1 Permalink
    I'll probably add the search sign at least, always wanted that. Not sure about using other colors for other signs though. Clickable links in tpt are all light blue, if you don't know what clicking a link sign will do then the save author didn't do a good job :P
  • 12Me21
    27th Jun 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     That's true

  • belugawhale
    28th Jun 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I personally use the click signs for emphasis on titles sometimes. (titles in blue, content in regular sign)

  • 12Me21
    28th Jun 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @belugawhale (View Post)

     I've also seen people use button signs (yellow) to make text stand out. the problem with this is that people could get confused.

  • jacob1
    28th Jun 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    The next version will have save search signs. Something like {s:user:jacob1|see my saves!}. They will be light blue as always :P

    Also when you hover over any kind of link sign it will bring up a tooltip saying something like "Open save ID:999999" or "Search for potato" (this suggested by jacksonmj)
  • Sylvi
    29th Jun 2015 Moderator 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     What will the sign character limit be set at? It seems like it would be very limited if we can't extend the amount of text input into signs.

  • jacob1
    29th Jun 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Lockheedmartin (View Post)
    Signs are limited by text width. It looks like it can fit 26 w's or 39 i's, for the search text and sign text combined. You could have another sign explaining the link sign and just have the link sign text say "here" or something, which still leaves about 30 characters for whatever search you re doing. I don't know why you would need longer than this.
  • ChargedCreeper
    29th Jun 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    On the topic of signs, I think an ambient heat sign would be good too.