I know you may be a little annoyed at me posting ideas repeatedly in a short amount of time, but it has come to mind a serious issue with TPT and the TPT forums, that is, swearing. Now it's a bit of a no-brainer that this is not a adults game, yet in the short amount of time I've been here, I've seen completely uncensored swearing in both the forums and the comments section of saves (and serious swearing aswell). Could jacob1 (or any other programmer for that matter) censor or better yet remove completely all detected swearing in posts, comments etc? I'm no programmer, but I doubt that this would be too hard to implement.
Dang I actually like the idea behind censorship. First and foremost there is going to be swearing on the forums now, that's a no-brainer. And I've also seen racism,cursing,etc. I also think this is in the rules that Simon, left us to follow.
Also, words dont hurt people. People trying to shelter others from the outside world does :P
That's why we need a block comment feature. If you don't like "a", comment you can block it.