FILT/PHOT usage (storing/using binary)

  • Synergy
    20th Feb 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    edit: nvm, figured it all out eventually.


    The wiki says that using DTEC you can copy the photon's ctype into a block of adjacent FILT. I have no idea what they mean by adjacent. What are the specific requirements for this. I have fired plenty of photons into DTEC and nothing has happened.


    Edited 3 times by Synergy. Last: 20th Feb 2015
  • Sandwichlizard
    20th Feb 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    here.  id:1686349 it uses BRAY instead of PHOT but the principle is the same


  • Synergy
    21st Feb 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    You are a champion. 


    I was thinking about how to manage address selection while in bed last night. Saw this tutorial and it's pretty much what I was thinking.


    So FILT works the same with BRAY too? Interesting.


    edit: I only want the spark to pass through if it's an exact match, not just containing a bit that matches the address. Any ideas?


    edit2: problem solved. XOR + inverter works perfectly. How did I miss this.

    Edited 3 times by Synergy. Last: 21st Feb 2015