Just download the game, and play away.
Use the button in the bottom-left corner to browse other user's saves and the button next to it to even pusblish your own. If you waste enough time of your life and sell your soul, you could get on front page. Consult the FAQ for more information.
As much as this question must have lost its relevance, in case someone out there is wandering, you can press F1 again to make the yellow text at the begining of the game pop up again.
Download then Run, Install which is fast but depends on the model of your Mac or Windows. Then "click" on a category explosives,liquids,solids,life etc. Also heres some tips You can make other accounts but don't self-vote and spam. EDIT: Do not copy saves without permission of the owner.You will just, become a hated user if you copy another persons saves.