I don't know what's happening, I downloaded the mod a month ago and a virus was detected (some few days after the 1st download). I had to uninstall the mod. After a month I took the desicion to download it again and the same problem, except that it's worse now. My laptop was littarely lagging and I had to restart it. I really don't know what's happening; other people seem to have no problems with it. My suspicion is that the aplication "Powder.exe" has the virus; I read that most of the time files, archives and aplications that end with "exe" turn out to have a virus. Please respond, I like this mod but I also don't want to ruin my laptop, I want a solution. The only way to get rid of it is deleting it. Well, that's all I got to say. Bye. -KadenKat
It's definitely not true that most applications that end with ".exe" are viruses, but many viruses do end in ".exe". I'll look into that.
A .exe file is just a standard Windows executable, so unless most Windows programs are viruses, that's probably not true. windows does have the most viruses though
I tried running it - there's nothing really suspicious about it, although it is prone to crashing and occasional massive lag.
There are lots of viruses from exe files, but that doesn't mean having lots of exe file isn't safe, in fact your computer has A LOT of exe files (like Paint, Photoshop, your web browser, your anti-virus/internet security, etc...). The only thing is that it's possible to make viruses out of exe files, I haven't heard that you can make a virus out of a png/jpg/mp3/mp4/wav/midi (and even more that I can't list) file.
So if you want to download a software, make sure that it's not suspicious and download it from it's official website.
Nuculars mod is safe, maybe you have a virus from another software or from visiting an unsafe website like what johnpears said :P
It should take you to dropbox.com because @nucular used this website to upload his mod. If it takes you to dropbox.com then you are fine (I don't think it's possible to take you to another website though).