The idea of this is to give useful bits for the community out for free. This is the guide of usage. LoadSaveBlock(65001); I will talk through each creation here.
One usage wire*fixed*-Diissaster This is a simple gadget which is extremely useful, yet extremely small! To get a proper look at this hover your mouse over it and click 'z' then mouse click. You should see a zoom box. Spark the redish element(PSCN) Then spark the metal on the right. This is where the charge will go. To reactivate it click the PSCN.
Simple Fan-Diissaster This may look the same as others but it is more complicated than that. It solves the reasons why most fans with walls don't work. To activate it select the fan tool, Hold shift while clicking the blue bit(fan itself), and drag in the direction you want it to go.
Eletric loop-Diissaster This gadget is used when you want a constant charge but not as constant as BTRY. To attach to your design simply zoom in on it (z), and attach your design to the metal on the left.
Detector Electronic Start-Diissaster A simple a cool way to start a circut is to have a detector at the start-but it is easy to mess it up. Here is a free one which does work. To start it off simply put NEUT on the red bit(detector).
Double Logic gate-tutut125 I have simplified this. The first gate is controled by the PSCN (ON) and NSCN (OFF) on the left. The second gate is controled by the PSCN (ON) and NSCN (OFF) on the right. A double switch for your needs.
LCD flash-tutut125 I've simplified this now, so to get the flash, spark the circular METL.
Extreme Velocity Shield-Diissaster Simply zoom in on the shield ('z') and add thunder to the core.
Diomedes-Diissaster Spark the left the spark travels to the right. Spark the right the spark doesn't travel to the left.
Crossing Sparks-Diissaster Spark The PTCT and It crosses over the METL Same works the other way round.
Last updated : Tuesday 7th December 2010 19:35 GMT