Neutrinos [NTRI]

  • LiquidCaesium
    30th Dec 2014 Member 4 Permalink

    I believe that neutrinos have been suggested before. But have they been suggested like this?


    Neutrinos are subatomic particles, which possibly should look like neutrons, but dark grey (and with a dark grey / black glow). They should be able to get through every possible material, similar to protons, but also passing through DMND and what-not. If just technically possible, passing through all walls as well would be a nice add. If passing through every single kind of wall is impossible for practical or technical reasons, it should be able to at least pass through every kind of "only-this-type" wall, such as liquid-wall, solid-wall etc. Neutrinos should be able to be detected by DTEC, but *not* by detector walls, which it should pass undetected.


    Based on real-life MSW radiation, neutrinos passing through matter could possibly cause the neutrinos to *receive* temperature from the particles it passes through, as opposed to protons which *give* away its temperature to other particles.


    Neutrinos could also, for the heck of it, have some weird transformations. What I thought was that neutrinos could do the inverse of neutron reactions: such as GOO turning into C-4, WOOD turning into PLNT, DSTW turning into WATR etc.


    To mock the faster-than-light neutrinos, neutrinos should either go the same speed as photons or even slightly faster. And, of course, as neutrinos can trigger fission in deuterium, neutrinos could be the third particle to trigger DEUT fission. This time, the fission would be able to trigger changes in the Newtonian gravity fields (nuclear GBMB, anyone?)


    If it is fairly estimated that it wouldn't (too badly) break saves, PLUT fission reactions could give birth to some NTRI.


    NTRI, when passing through BOMB and DEST, should make both of them react. BOMB should be changed to not destroy NTRI particles. NTRI should be affected by pressure, but not by Newtonian gravity (if this is impossible or cumbersome to do, then just skip it and make NTRI not react to pressure)



    NTRI receives temperature from other particles, which could be used to make more advanced temperature sensors with the aid of TSNS.

    NTRI can be used to make bomb defusers or triggers, as they would trigger/destroy both BOMB and DEST.

    Temporary creation of gravity with DEUT fission, useful for new bomb or reaction techniques


  • NF
    30th Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    This is quite an good idea. And I don't even think they even been suggested before. Category: Radioactive.

    Edited once by NUCLEAR_FOX. Last: 30th Dec 2014
  • LiquidCaesium
    30th Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Also some amendments to how NTRI would handle temperature to destroy the heater/cooler debate once and for all.


    First, NTRI would not receive heat from materials which do not conduct heat.


    Second, exceptions. NTRI could, for example, immediately apply the temperature of, say, FRME it passes through. HSWC is actually imo the best choice, as NTRI temperature could be then set statically or dynamically.


    Third, some material should cause NTRI to act like PROT, but way more powerful (immediate for example). This would fully allow arbitrary heaters and coolers. NTRI passing through GRAV or GLOW or anything should cause neutrinos to immediately set the temperature of that particle to it's own. I believe that any good heat conductor without heat transformations would work as this element.

    Edited once by LiquidCaesium. Last: 30th Dec 2014
  • SopaXorzTaker
    31st Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I think appropriate color will be yellowish, with glow

  • asdf123
    31st Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I think this is rather cool so use: Thermal camera. Lol.

  • LiquidCaesium
    31st Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I've managed to code the element. I can put up a PR now. Also, it's now yellowish-gray with yellow glow.


    EDIT: Pull request is now sent.

    Edited 2 times by LiquidCaesium. Last: 31st Dec 2014
  • Sylvi
    31st Dec 2014 Moderator 0 Permalink

    Neutrinos do not go faster than the speed of light. Such anomaly was found by physicists a few months after they announced the discovery.

  • LiquidCaesium
    31st Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @Lockheedmartin (View Post)

     True. It was a mistake in the measurement equipment. But it's not like TPT is supposed to be extremely realistic and we can easily make particles move faster than speed of light through console etc. And in my PR, neutrons move at 98.33% speed of light (photons)

    Edited 2 times by LiquidCaesium. Last: 31st Dec 2014
  • Catelite
    1st Jan 2015 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I'm not really sure what the fun of this would be. Neutrons transform tons of elements and pass through even more, and have many bizzare behaviors that I'm pretty sure most people haven't even discovered yet. Several of which were accidentally ditched in the C++ rewrite because no one knew about them!

    ...They can be used with Ice for example to make diffusion lenses. They could in theory consequently be used to cool down reactors, literally and otherwise.

    *..I will be honest also, in this game, no one is going to care, nor notice if new particles move as fast as light. It's just not impressive or interesting, sorry. =/
    Edited once by Catelite. Last: 1st Jan 2015
  • jacob1
    1st Jan 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Catelite (View Post)
    The rewrite didn't change any simulation code though >_>, nothing with NEUT was ditched that I know of. And I'm sure everything NEUT does is documented lol. If you are thinking of the NEUT+ICE thing or whatever it was, that was changed (or broken I guess) years and years ago, and I only fixed it when you noticed and asked me to change it back :P