PHUN System?

  • Ben_Ger
    21st Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Is there a way of linking the source codes of PHUN and TPT together, so we would have movable solids, that would still interact chemically? (like a thrown piece of wood that is burning?)

    PHUN doesnt have chemical properties, so that could prove hard, yet there is OE Cake which has physics, chemics, but no airpressure/temperatures.

  • mniip
    21st Dec 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    Phun operates on objects, a body in phun is described as a polygon, and those polygons interact with each other in polygonal ways. TPT operates on particles, bodies in TPT are made of pixels, and they interact like pixels. The 2 systems just aren't compatible.
    OE Cake also operates on bodies, and the liquids there are implemented like somewhat bendy and sticky balls (with surface tension), they are much much bigger than TPT particles, and if they would be made as small as TPT particles there would be so many of them the system would be too laggy.
    Another problem is that neither Phun nor OE cake are open-source.
  • Ben_Ger
    21st Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @mniip (View Post)

     I guessed that OE Cake is not open source... but PHUN? Really? I thought it was open source....

    anyway, thankyou for telling me

  • tmo97
    21st Dec 2014 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • Klus
    2nd Jan 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    But TPT is PHUN.

  • tmo97
    5th Jan 2015 Banned 0 Permalink
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