everytime i try to turn anything into phot (with console or prop) it turns invisible. its still there, as when i turn to heat display i can still see it. but when i unpause it just instantly disappears (it doesnt move at all) if it try to paint it, it won't work, it just stays black. also im pretty sure i cant colour normal phot (not sure if bug).
its really annoying because i want to make my plane move and if anyone else has had this problem please tell me if youve had a fix
please help me
thank you
Console and prop do not change any particle properties except the ones you tell them to, so the particle property which stores the wavelengths present in the photon (which determines the colour) isn't initialised to the usual value when you make PHOT in that way.
Option 1: Press ; (semicolon) to turn on replace mode. Select PHOT from the menu. Draw on top of the particles you want to turn into PHOT.
Option 2: After turning something into PHOT, !set ctype phot 0x3FFFFFFF .
PHOT cannot be decorated, that's not a bug.
theres a replace mode? damn why dont i know this stuff...
is the non deco phot a new feature? i could do it before and it worked fine
edit: crap, my old deco-ed phot is now un-deco-ed :(