Menu Problems

  • 12Me21
    26th Oct 2014 Member 2 Permalink

    (I don't think the menus are bad, I just think they could be improved)


    Some elements in the electronics, powered materials, sensors, and force menus seem like they could fit in more than one of those menus. For example; why aren't GPMP and PUMP in the force menu? The sensors menu only has 4 elements in it, so maybe it should be combined with another menu, like powered materials or force.


    FUSE and FSEP seem like they should be in the explosives menu, and moving them there would also make the solids menu less full. Gold also seems like it could go in electronics, because it has unique electrical properties, but that menu is also full, so maybe it should stay in solids.


    A lot of menus are getting filled up (Electronics, Solids, Game of Life), so maybe it's time to make a new one, like a life (not Game of Life) menu, with PLNT, VINE, WOOD, VIRS, STKM, STK2, FIGH, and maybe TRON.


    Another way to solve that problem would be to make the screen a little bigger and have 2 rows of elements at the bottom. (The area where you can build stuff would stay the same size)


    Also, I think that the "hidden" elements (except LOVE and LOLZ) should be added to the menus, because that would make them a lot easier to get. If there were 2 rows of elements, then they could fit, even in the menus that are full now.

  • bowserinator
    26th Oct 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    That's what I was thinking about 2 rows! 

  • asdf123
    27th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    The one-element-in-two-rows idea seems good and wouldn't be hard to implement...

  • zBuilder
    27th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    if we combined some of the categories, they would be too long. while the lists can scroll(and at least one does) it would eventually get to the point where it's faster to use search for everything.

  • mecha-man
    27th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I do use search for everything. instead of having to search through all the menus to find where the element is I can select it by typing at most 5 letters without even having to look at the screen.

  • nucular
    27th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    That'd make the game window even larger though... and on my 1600x900 screen I can barely see the lower button bar because its lower half is overlapped by my taskbar. And playing in 1x zoom mode really sucks.
  • bowserinator
    27th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @nucular (View Post)

     I got 1920x1080 so I'm fine. Try fullscreen it will fit to your screen.

  • nucular
    27th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    You know, Fullscreen mode sucks even more. Also I'd like to keep my other open windows accessible.
  • jacob1
    27th Oct 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    If possible i'd like to rewrite TPT so that the window can be resized to fit new things (not resize the simulation area, just the interface). Then that would make more space for a second row if we add one, and you turned the setting to use it on. The original TPT had just two rows (and no menus) and it worked just fine. I think it would be a nice way to solve the scrolling issue.

    Of course, i'm not going to rewrite large parts of TPT for a small feature ):, it was already rewritten once.
  • tmo97
    28th Oct 2014 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
    Edited once by tmo97. Last: 28th Oct 2014