FILT Idea...

  • SoSoRandom
    25th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I've been doing things with Photons Lately, and then I discovered FILT, I thought it would be great being able to filter photons... But then I relised it does everyhting but that.


    I would like FILT to be able to only alow photons of the same colour pass through it, with this lots of cool things could be made.


    Edit: I thought I should add an example, so here it is:

    Blue FILT, with tmp 10 would: Reflect/Destroy all photons witch are not blue and allow blue photons to pass

    Edited 2 times by SoSoRandom. Last: 25th Oct 2014
  • G-LinuxorU
    25th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink
  • SoSoRandom
    25th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Witch filt mode is this?


    I read the wiki a few times before making this and I couldn't see anything

  • G-LinuxorU
    26th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    A combination of TMP 3 & 1 values will do it. I made this device (mostly from user:Darkn1883r's components) that is capable of examining a PHOT's wavelength, and returning an I if the values are the same and an O if they're not.

    If you would allow me to explain briefly how it works; (I'm assuming for the sake of conversation you know Binary/Hexadecimal, and how Dtec, FILT& Bray works.)
    Your comparing two bit values, let's say X & Y. You only want an output if x==y. So you need some way to determine if the two values are exactly identical, and not anywhere in-between. There are only two DTEC particles on-screen, the bottom-one is X while the top one is Y. Passing Bray through X set's the value of the Bray to X. When X passes through Y, Y values are subtracted from X and any other values that are active are passed along to the output. The output is blocked by INSL if any values are passed through. If no values are passed through, then that should mean X==Y and you will get an output. So the I/O at the top is a type of NOT gate to determine IF X==Y.

    P.S; After making the device, I now understand how much simpler it would be if a single pixel of FILT could do this, although I haven't the slightest clue what it could be used for, If there's any reason to need this then i support your idea.
  • SoSoRandom
    26th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I was going to use it to make logic gates with photons and obviously that is too big to be a logic gate

    Edited once by SoSoRandom. Last: 26th Oct 2014
  • jacksonmj
    27th Oct 2014 Developer 0 Permalink

    @G-LinuxorU (View Post)

    It's possible to make that comparator much smaller (though still not a single pixel). Hint: if X==Y, then (X XOR Y) == 0, no value will be passed through.

  • G-LinuxorU
    27th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacksonmj (View Post)

     Yep your right, I got it down to about 20 pixels. :)