I've been doing things with Photons Lately, and then I discovered FILT, I thought it would be great being able to filter photons... But then I relised it does everyhting but that.
I would like FILT to be able to only alow photons of the same colour pass through it, with this lots of cool things could be made.
Edit: I thought I should add an example, so here it is:
Blue FILT, with tmp 10 would: Reflect/Destroy all photons witch are not blue and allow blue photons to pass
You can already do this with current FILT modes, please use the WIKI.
Witch filt mode is this?
I read the wiki a few times before making this and I couldn't see anything
A combination of TMP 3 & 1 values will do it. I made this device (mostly from user:Darkn1883r's components) that is capable of examining a PHOT's wavelength, and returning an I if the values are the same and an O if they're not.
I was going to use it to make logic gates with photons and obviously that is too big to be a logic gate
It's possible to make that comparator much smaller (though still not a single pixel). Hint: if X==Y, then (X XOR Y) == 0, no value will be passed through.
Yep your right, I got it down to about 20 pixels. :)