Indestructible Conductors

  • TheAnonymous
    4th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I think TPT should make conductors (i.e. METL, PSCN, NSCN, TTAN, etc...) able to be made indestructible by setting the life to >0. That would make it easier for the coders because they don't have to code another element. I don't think life has any use right now anyway.


    One problem I can see is that SPRK would have to have some way of keeping that value when 're - placing' the conductor, possibly through tmp2.




    And BTRY

    Edited once by TheAnonymous. Last: 4th Oct 2014
  • greymatter
    4th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @TheAnonymous (View Post)
    Alternatively, just turn off heat simulation.
  • Box-Poorsoft
    4th Oct 2014 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • boxmein
    4th Oct 2014 Former Staff 1 Permalink
    Life is definitely used in metals! When you spark something, the metal underneath gets turned into SPRK(metal) with a life of 4, which then ticks down to 0, turning into said metal with a life of 4, which also ticks down to 0 (to make sparks stable and not glitchy at all)
  • iamdumb
    5th Oct 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    Perhaps new elements could be added? 

  • bowserinator
    5th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    No life is not used in metals for countdown it's used in SPRK. (I think)

    But if you set the life > 0 the metal can't conduct

  • mecha-man
    5th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    When metals get SPRK'd it sets its type to SPRK and its ctype to the metals type and its life to 4. each frame it decreases the life by 1 until it reaches 0. At this point it sets its type back to the metals and sets the metals life to 4. It then decreases its life by 1 until it reaches 0 at which point it can get SPRK'd again.

  • TheAnonymous
    7th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    As I said, what about tmp2?

  • jacob1
    7th Oct 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    I don't think melting point should be changed by something like tmp2, that's a little weird ... transitions just happen regardless of properties like that.

    Why not use INST, or TESC with a .tmp of 0?
  • jward212
    7th Oct 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    or  brel or merc in a wire