Comment Notifications
Save ID:1617520
I think this would be, quite a useful tip. For the developers/moderators. This would help them, get around easier and quicker. And quite useful, for users to see who replied to them. And without, looking every minute. What are your thoughts?
Also this would work just like, you got a new message.
(Just ignore the user if he/she spams, your save. The ignore button would turn off notifications.)
Sorry didn't know how. Thank you guys, for your support.
There would be an ignore option.
This would be really usful, the developers maybe they should add an area were people can reply (to the user) and where people can just comment. I think that there should be a reply section, I think that why people click reply the save auther/user will be notified about an issue with the save this way the save creater can fix it before there are millions of anoying comments about an issue
Thank you for you time to post here. The ignore button, would turn off notifications. You still can open your, notifications after ignoring them.
The ignore button would turn off notifications.