New Nuclear Mod - Need ideas

  • enmity84
    26th Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I am looking for ideas for a new nuclear mod. So far I have the following ideas mapped out i just need to finish the code.


    All elements will have real world melt and transition points. Trying to make this as realistic as possible.


    UROX - Uranium oxide fuel. Initial life value of 100. Produces random neutrons as long as life is > 5. When exposed to neutrons it absorbs them and produces heat and more neutrons.


    HFNM - Hafnium control rod material. Absorbs all neutrons within 5 pixels.


    BRN - Boric Acid. Strong neutron absorbing material. Mixed with Distilled water to make BWTR.


    BWTR - Produced from mixing BRN with DSTW. The more BRN added to DSTW or to BWTR raises life. As life goes up towards a max of 2000 it absorbs more and more neutrons. Used for fine control of nuclear reaction rates.


    ZRCO - Zirconium Metal. Used in nuclear reactors as a better replacement for titanium. High melting point and allows neutrons to pass through it.


    Any ideas to improve on these, or if you have any ideas for other elements i should add please say so.



  • zBuilder
    26th Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    it's hard to say wheather UROX would create a bubble that stops any neutrons from existing longer than a moment, or if it would just make a really thick cloud of them. I guess it depends on the small details of how it's implemented

  • bowserinator
    26th Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Gravity Point GVRT - Basiclly a element that creates a gravity field. The life sets the radius of the field (So 1 pixel could create an entire planet) temp sets the strength it starts at, tmp1 how much it decreases per unit as it gets away (can be negative) and tmp2 the unit the gravity decreases. 


    It would be useful.


    Maybe also add NMTR Neutron matter (idk what it does but add it) 

    Edited once by bowserinator. Last: 26th Aug 2014
  • enmity84
    26th Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I like the idea for GVRT. I will see what i can do to implement that. I'm not sure what you mean for NMTR?


    Also I am going to try and improve the sensors. Right now the sensors are set to use temp or ctype to detect materials/pressure/temperature. I am pretty sure I can get it to use tmp/tmp2 as max and min points. that way it would only conduct whenever the sensed value is between those values.

  • bowserinator
    27th Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I made a suggestion thread for that just go to my profile and click topics by bowserinator I think I also did a few other element suggestions

    27th Sep 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    TORM (Thorium) - Heavy dust, decays into PLUT. Has a massive thermal potencial, mainly if hitted by neutrons.


    LEAD (Lead) - Solid, shield radiation and absorb neutrons.


    AMRC (Americium) - Heavy dust, has low thermal potencial, but a long half-life.


    YLCK (Yellowcake) - Yellow dust produced from enrichment of Uranium.


    EURN (Enriched Uranium) - Enriched Uranium, has a great thermal potencial and radioactivity.


    NWST (Nuclear Waste) - Produced from fission of nuclear elements, mainly of Plutonium, highly radioactive.


    PLNM (Polonium) - High thermal potencial but short half-life.


    GRPT (Graphite) -  Shield radiation, but don't absorb any neutron. High melting point.




    - Add the propertie of decaiment of Nuclear Elements (can use propertie LIFE for this).


    OBS.: about the massive amounts of edits, it's because i'm wondering more and more elements that can be useful, so, don't be alarmed if my post gets more than 5 edits :)


    Thanks for the attention,


    Edited 4 times by TNTNUCLEAR. Last: 27th Sep 2014
  • CoreMax
    27th May 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    ignore this. I necroposted for no reason.

    Edited 2 times by CoreMax. Last: 5th Nov 2023
  • jacob1
    27th May 2020 Developer 0 Permalink
    @CoreMax (View Post)
    Do not necro threads (posting on very ancient threads) unless you have good reason to do so.

    There was no such mod by this name. This is just a suggestion thread, miscategorized in the wrong subforum (I will move it now).
Locked by jacob1: necro