I know that Oxygen fusion can do this, and just found out a few minutes ago about the electrons + exotic matter method, but I'm still in the dark on all of the other possible ways of doing this.
Can someone help me out?
Use pressure pump (PUMP) and then cool it down to -256 using the console or PROP because if you used the tool COOL it will take forever.
Console: "!set temp pump 0"
PROP: Choose Temp in the first box and type 0 in the last box, pres okay and then draw on top of PUMP.
This is how to generat the highest pressure possible but if you are talking about generating it using a fusion then maybe wait for another answer from someone else.
Yeah, forgot to mension that I know all about PUMP.
I dont want to advertise my creation, but.....
If you build it a little bigger, but with the same components, it can create maximum pressure and slightly beyond that.
another thing for you might be to set tmp2 to 99999999 on EXOT, this also creates powerful explosions.
Lol nan pressure
What he said, but that generates NaN pressure, which isn't really the highest presure.
DMG generates a lot of pressure.
Are you kidding me? NaN is like a sort of computational infinity. Any operation performed with a NaN always equals a NaN (again, like the concept of infinity).
Although infinity is just a concept, it's HUGE.
You said it...
Completely destroys anything that's able to be destroyed by pressure.....
But still absorbed by ttan... Does that mean ttan's pressure absorbing power is infinite?
It makes uran go absolute zero!