Some Resistant Elements

  • Voyager15
    12th Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Is it possible to make a destroyable element(s) that is resistant against OP materials (Example: Bomb, More Destructive Bomb, Anti-Matter, Singulitary, and Warp) but is still meltable?

  • jacob1
    12th Aug 2014 Developer 1 Permalink
    The point of these elements is that they are supposed to be OP and destroy everything, so I don't think this will happen ... maybe in a mod.

    Not even a lua script would work because these elements are designed to destroy everything.
  • zBuilder
    12th Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    if those elemnts simply delete any element near them, you'd have to write a mod that changes those to ignore whichever element that you want them to not delete

  • bowserinator
    12th Aug 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    It would be possible by changing the code for those OP elements.

    VIBR is resistant against bomb

    GEL against DEST I think

    Yeah... change the code for those elements.

    Why would you want that since bunkers pretty much ban them anyways, even if they did exist

  • iamdumb
    12th Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    MORT could be considered as destructible, and is resistant to DEST/BOMB...