Nuclear Mushroom Clouds?

  • yocheese
    29th Jul 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I was testing different nuclear explosions with different types and environments. The result of those explosions is just a pressure wave and after the explosion you can see just some neutrons and a circle with molten elements, but the most of it is just empty... Where is the fire and the mushroom cloud that is supposed to be? This is just disappointing... Is there a problem with the air or the ambient heat???

  • edza101
    29th Jul 2014 Member 4 Permalink
    Or the fact that powdertoy is a far way from proper physics.
  • therocketeer
    29th Jul 2014 Member 1 Permalink
    There is nothing wrong with the air mechanics, however the game, as edza101 pointed out can only come so close to ideal physics.
    Mushroom clouds are a natural feature of large hot explosions in reality. If the tpt window were large enough, you'd probably see some skewed resemblance of a mushroom cloud as you are missing a dimension.
  • zBuilder
    29th Jul 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    fire based explosions in TPT produce a dome-like projection. it seems that nucular explosions only make a fireball and radiation in TPT

  • yocheese
    29th Jul 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    So why in TPT, nuclear explosions doesn't generate large amount of fire and light like in real life?

  • edza101
    29th Jul 2014 Member 1 Permalink
    @yocheese (View Post)

    again because its not needed and tpt is in no way near close to real life.

    an example is that the photons travel at 2 pixles per frame, therefore fire travels at 0.5C relative. This is NOT REALISTIC. If you want that go somewhere else