2 Non-gameplay ideas

  • the_new_powder99999
    25th Jul 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    -Longer save descriptions. Whenever you want to add a bit more than just the bare minimum to the description at the moment you have to shorten sentences, add deliberate typos etc, add extra text in the comments which gets pushed back over time with people seeing only half of the description, or clog up your save with signs/writing. It seems much better to have extra space when publishing a save so you don't have to deal with all these problems.


    -Larger icons when you click on someones logo. Having to got to the website to see someone's logo in detail is not very easy to do. Making the logo a bit bigger in the tab that shows your biography when you click on someone's logo would be a much better way to see it.

  • greymatter
    25th Jul 2014 Member 1 Permalink
    @the_new_powder99999 (View Post)
    The logo was never there in the game originally, and it doesn't serve much purpose.
    And about descriptons, the idea is to keep it short and sweet.
  • boxmein
    25th Jul 2014 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Might as well do something like this (even if you said you wanted to avoid signs and stuff):
  • Korteweg
    25th Jul 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I agree with your ideas, especially the first.

  • jacob1
    25th Jul 2014 Developer 1 Permalink
    I think we do have enough space in the save preview ui for longer descriptions, but that's something Simon would have to add. I think the server currently has a limit on description length (not just the in game one).

    If by icons/logo you mean avatar, it does already look larger to me in the biography. Having the ability to increase the size even more would be good I guess. Before that happens I think moderators need the ability to delete avatars though ...