Please use this: ~ 1590915 (without the space)
I dunno. For me the particles aren't dropping down. You might be right-clicking (eraser) on the blood.
No, i dont erase it. And maybe it doesnt drop for you because you didnt see that cloning-machine to get more blood?
I post new one without it.
1590915View Save 1590915
Edit: made new one, with same problem.
1591231View Save 1591231
The blood is getting trapped in the portal. An object can enter a portal from 8 directions, but it can only exit from the opposite direction to which it entered, if that pixel is blocked, the object will be trapped until the blockage is removed. In your creature, the blood can enter from 3 directions but only exit from one. A solution to this would be either clearing more space around the exit portal, or blocking off the bottom 2 pixels on the entry portal.
Oh, and I almost FORGOT. That when I did get rid of the cloning machine it still didn't drop. Dunno, I fast-forwarded it and it wouldn't do anything else when I got rid of it...