Physics simulator my arse

  • therocketeer
    16th Jul 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @MiningMarsh (View Post)
    Oh fair enough actually - I wasn't aware of it.
    *It's been almost 4 months since a push was accepted in the master branch
    Edited once by therocketeer. Last: 16th Jul 2014
  • jacob1
    17th Jul 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    @therocketeer (View Post)
    we don't accept pull requests to the master branch either, due to the way we organize the repo. All new code / pull requests go into the develop branch. When a new version comes out Simon merges the develop branch into the master one, that way master is always the latest source.

    I think now that development has slowed down even more, this is no longer necessary, but i'd have to ask him about that later. It also confuses new modders / people who just want to look at the code.
  • Endercraft_YT
    22nd Apr 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Lo peor es que la parte de radioactivos esta incompleta como la fusion del uranio con los neutrones, aunque bombardees el uranio con neutrones, no hace fusion. Y mas cosas :b

  • jacob1
    22nd Apr 2019 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Endercraft_YT (View Post)
    Please do not necro threads, this thread is almost 5 years old and should not be posted in.

    Also, please use English on the forums, it is hard for most users to understand you without google translate.
Locked by jacob1: necro