TPTs Mod Version 3 Update 0.
It includes:
-Over forty new elements
-Special HUD, which includes Absolute Temp, VX, and VY readings.
-TUNG emits electrons at -7 pressure
-Updates from cracker64's manager
This mod includes a new HUD. Here is how to use it. When the mod first opens it is set by default to turn on the custom HUD and turn off the normal one. If you would still prefer the old HUD, here is what you do: Turn off the HUD by pressing the < key. This will turn it COMPLETELY OFF. To return to the normal HUD, press h. To return to the mod's HUD, press h, then press the > key. To turn on the extra HUD which includes absolute temp, VX, and VY, press the + button. To turn it off press the - button.
The item in the HUD, left to right, top to bottom, are: Day, Month Hour, Minute, Second, Particle count. Element type, Ctype, Temperature of element, and pressure at mouse location. Life, Tmp, and X/Y Coordinates of your mouse. Absolute temperature, Velocity X of selected particle, Velocity Y of selected particle.
The time setting may not be the same for everyone. Mac and Linux will show an example date of "Mon Jun 9 13:45:21 2014." The same date on a Windows computer is "06/09/14 13:45:21"
Click THIS to access the code to install for the first time.
Link to development post:
It's different. If it is not acceptable, by all means remove it.
The thread leaves out quite a lot of the useless information that would be used in the Lua section. This is the release. I see no difference between this and other threads in this section. If you could please clarify, that would be wonderful.
when I load the mod it says COLR is unrecognised, what's with that?
Anthony, COLR is an element... I have no idea what it means by "COLR is unrecognized." That shouldn't happen...
What OS do you have? (Windows, Linux, Mac?)