did you change anything in the wiki ?
i tested metal and positive silicon i think its called like this and it seems the same what element didn't mach the wiki ?
wow i didn't notice that i don't be attention to the melting point you should thank him :) (everyone should thank him) (i am one of them)
boxmein said:
It'd be a reasonable assumption. There's however nothing special really about element state changes - there's a strong threshold and an element type to change to. Check out WATR's state changes for example.
There's four types of transition: with really low pressure, with really high pressure, with really low temperature and with really high temperature. Each of those temperatures you can set to show your element what "really high pressure" means in the context of this very element.
Thus, your work could be simplified tenfold by just writing down transitional properties from the element's source code. See the src/simulation/elements directory for the source code of all the elements. Also a note that you could follow the commits here to see what code changes over time, and if any of that includes transitions.
So overall, just see the source code! Element transitions are super simple and there isn't a fancy triple-point-graph relating to pressure and temperature at the same time. Maybe for water only. Not sure.
I just recently found out the wiki was community edited, so... Goodjob! /me gives two thumbs up
well 90% of all wiki websites are "community edited"
wikipedia is one of them
I know that. Im on Wikipedia, as is almost everyone else. I helped get the Falling Sand Game Genre page back to start class, instead of stub. Someone removed a lot because it was all 'biased toward The Powder Toy'.