I came up with an idea for DTEC that I'm positive would be very useful and most likely would be added to the official game.
What I Learned: By paying close attention and typing many console commands to verify the idea itself, I know that DTEC doesn't use TMP in any way.
The Idea: DTECs Tmp # Controls what Element it will transfer Spark to.
The Idea Description: By setting DTECs Tmp Number, you can set what element that specific DTEC will transfer spark to. Since DTEC already does something very useful by itself without need for the console, then this idea can be used by advanced users for greater complexity and a more creative save.
Uses: By having DTEC spark a specific element, you can have multiple DTEC adjacent to one another, while sparking specific elements, thus reducing space requirements to a greater extent. It can be used in combination with NTCT and a metal that it doesn't recieve nor transfer spark to, to achieve smaller electronics for a start. It can really be useful in reducing space for a certain mechanism in my save, that I won't disclose detail about, for right now.
What I Know:
Every element has its own specific number. Using "!create # xcord,ycord", I created a lot of elements, and heres a few for reference:
(0 N/A, 1 DUST, 2 WATR, 3 OIL, 4 FIRE, 5 STNE, 6 LAVA, 7 GUN, 8 NITR, 9 CLNE, 10 GAS, 11 C-4, 12 GOO, 13 ICE, 14 METL, 15 (Unknown), 16 SNOW, 17 WOOD, 18 NEUT, 19 PLUT, 20 PLNT, 21 ACID, 22 VOID, 23 WTRV, 24 CNCT, 25 DSTW)
I actually did the first 100 Elements, and 2 of them were unknown, and "0" didn't have an element, which would be even more benificial because DTECs Tmp is set to "0" by default, making it transfer spark to any conductable element nearby.
I was also thinking maybe you can set the range at which it can spark elements using Tmp2, just like you can limit PSTNs Max Range by setting its Tmp2 #, but that may be asking for too much at the moment (as it was something I came up with after typing everything before now).
How It Would Be Used: Click it once with the desired element to set it's Ctype. Then click it again with another element to set its Tmp. When clicked to set its Tmp, it will set its Tmp to the # (Number) of the element that it will transfer spark to.
If you click it a third time, it will set the Ctype first, then if clicked again, it will set its Tmp. It will always set itself up like this. Advanced users can set the Tmp Element or Number from the Console, or just set it manaully using the prior method.
Console Command Usage: (I'm using DTEC with ARAY as its Ctype)
"!set tmp DTEC 14" will result in "DTEC (ARAY), Tmp:14", setting its Tmp Element to "METL".
"!set tmp DTEC METL" will result in "DTEC (ARAY), Tmp:14", setting its Tmp Element to "METL".
So basically Tmp # or the Elements' Name can be used to set its Tmp. BUT if Possible, I'd prefer it be to where setting its Tmp, could it show up as the element name itself, in Curly Brackets, like FILT currently has, that way inexperienced users and advanced users will have an easier time knowing what its Tmp it set to.
So what do you think of this idea? I think it would benefit TPT greatly.
All Comments, Feedback and Questions Welcome!
what do you mean of "you can set what element that specific DTEC will transfer spark to" do you mean that if there is metals next to DTEC with the tmp 14 it will only give a signal to METLl ? if it is then all metals will get a signal from the METL
So does it sound like a good idea?
i don't know
if you put lots of metals next to DETC with a tmp of 14 and it gave a signal to METL but the rest of the metals will get a signal because of the signal of METL what do you think ?
i don't know
if you put lots of metals next to DETC with a tmp of 14 and it gave a signal to METL but the rest of the metals will get a signal because of the signal of METL what do you think ?
Well, "Experienced Users" wouldn't put a bunch of metals next to DTEC with a tmp of 14 and give a signal to METL. The basic idea is "Controlled Conductivity", mainly meant for Experienced Users.
@OmegaSupreme (View Post)
Well, most people only use a very limited amount of things as conductors. A very large amount just use METL. So although this can be an improvement, not many people would benefit from this.
Well, it could be added as a Console Only feature. I can name a few users who could definately use this in ways none thought possible. But in the end, it's just a suggestion - a very well thought out, unlike most other suggested elements-suggestion.