- Plant create oxygen with water*
- More Spawn options**
- More info: TMP2, DColour, Flags, PAVG, VX and VY, AirMode and GravityMode
- Black Powder (By NUCLEAR_FOX)
- Aluminum Powder and Iron Oxide (From New Element Idea(s) by Squirtle)
- Copper, Silicon and Broken Silicon (By bengala)
- Force Fields (a c++ version from new Firce Field System. [ffs] by electronic_steve)***
- Instead of pressing next a lot of times, you can put the page number in a textbox :D
- Stickman Portal :D****
- More gravity modes
- Added water equalisation quickoption and heat simulation (don't know why)
- Added SND, AMPL and SWAV (Based on sound material by Abalone710)
- Added 2 new walls like LOLZ and LOVE: PING and PONG :D
- Added random save button on the first page (where otherwise the previous button is)
- Added an updater :D (Host is now my own pc, it won't be online always)
- Added Void Bomb
- Added MUD, SOIL and TSED (Based on Element Suggestions: Soil, Seed, Mud by ROHAN)
- Added CTRL******
- Added option to set max save id for random save
- TSED placed on SOIL with a temp < 0C will look like pine trees
- FSED, creates colorful flowers :D (SED is renamed to TSED)
- NEMR (By bowserinator)
- RBTY, Rechargeable battery*****
- RAND, changes into a random element (WARNING: may crash TPT)
- Stickman head glows when cptype is PHOT/NEUT/ELEC/PROT/GRVT
- Fixed stuff
Plants with TMP2 0:
Absorbs water, what increases it's TMP, when adding CO2 the TMP decreases and CO2 transforms into OXYG
Plants with TMP2 1:
Absorbs water, what increases it's TMP0, when adding CO2 the TMP decreases and CO2 transforms into OXYG and the PLNT grows
When stickman spawns it's:
ctype = the ctype from SPWN
JetpackOutElement = the TMP2 from SPWN
life = the life from SPWN
when the TMP from SPWN 1 is, stickman spawns with jetpack
In saves that have a stickman the 'things' are default:
ctype: DUST
JetpackOutElement: PLSM
life: 100
Stickman's JetpackOutElement can be almost everything so it can do weird thing like this:
it even works with solids
Width of FOFI is set by FFGE's TMP2
If FFGE has no ctype and TMP=0
It kills all particles
If FFGE has ctype and TMP=0
It kills all but its ctype
If FFGE has ctype and TMP=1
It kills only its ctype
Loads a save when STKM or STK2 touches it, saveid set by tmp2
tmp is max charge, life is the current charge
NSCN sets life to 0
PSCN increases life by tmp2
sparks other conductors
Creates spark when key (set by tmp, for key numbers seehttp://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL-1.2.15/include/SDL_keysym.h) is pressed, tmp2 sets interval
Release 5.5.5 (89.2) (Don't ask why I skipped V4)
Mac (thanks to jacob1):
If someone has a site I may host the updates on, let me hear it
I need idea's for elements and other stuff(NOT THINGS LIKE MOVING SOLIDS)
Bump, I really need ideas
I changed it, better now?
Bump, I just need ideas, say the first thing that comes into your mind
BPOW [Black Powder.] Category explosives.
NEPT [Neptunium.] Category radioactive. Color: cyan.