Aluminum Powder (ALPD)_properites: powder form, medium weight, silver color, combines with Iron Oxide (IRNX) to make Thermite (THRM), when melted it turns into Molten Aluminum Powder (MAPD) when cooled it turns back into Aluminum Powder (ALPD), melts at a low temp (2k-3k C 2200-3200 K) glows when hot, description: Aluminum Powder. Combine with Iron Oxide to make Thermite.
[ELEMENT 2] IRON OXIDE (IRNX)_properties: powder form, medium weight, dark red color, combines with Aluminum Powder (ALPD) to make Thermite (THRM), when melted it turns into Molten Iron Oxide (MIRX)-when cooled again it turns into Iron, melts at the same temp of Iron (APRX. 1450 C and 1720 K) glows when hot, description: Iron Oxide. Combine with Aluminum Powder to make Thermite.
They only make THRM on DIRECT CONTACT.
If you happen to make these elements, please let me know. Thanks in advance for those that do and provide a link to the scripts.
Jebedio Chriesto... Use the ENTER key next time to seperate ideas.
From what I've heard,he doesn't have WYSIWYG editor on,so it appears that he might have to use some HTML.
Your comp's not glitchy.You probably don't have WYSIWYG editor enabled. Just go to My Profile,click on the Edit tab,and down there is a checkbox saying "Use WYSIWYG editor where available". Be sure that it has a check.
Oh come on, that doesn't even look close to what it is meant to be.
First of all, it should be red, as he is the OP.
Secondly, there should be a shadow for the avatar.
The username font size is not big enough.
The date font size is too big
There is no small 0 in the top right corner
And finally, the space between the avatar and the line is too big.
TL:DR rant