it can be seen,discourage the function in powdertoy. what about easter eggs, and some creatively arranged elemnts? will there eventually be a version where there's only a few things that can actually be done with it, or is more options planned to be added in the future?
disable the thing, and cause the feeling that eventually it will basically hold hands with the users and tell them what they should and should not create,lol
(in case it is taken incorrectly, I don't mean I want this to happen, I mean I observe it's heading that way wheather that was the intent or not)
@zBuilder (View Post)
>what about easter eggs,
there have been easter eggs, another story is you not finding them :P
@zBuilder (View Post)
>will there eventually be a version where there's only a few things that can actually be done with it,
I wouldn't play a doodle-god-esque Powder Toy. Maybe as a game mod, not the game itself though!
@zBuilder (View Post)
>disable the thing, and cause the feeling that eventually it will basically hold hands with the users and tell them what they should and should not create,lol
could you clarify? I'm not sure what you mean...
@zBuilder (View Post)
This is just simply not true, most of the 'features' you talk about are normally bugs which cause crashes and or save damage. Of course the developers remove things like this because it can damage saves and the aforementioned crashes!
I assume you are talking about the moving sponge bug in most of this post regarding the removal of bugs ... But developers add all the features anyway, so I don't see how fixing a few bugs which might be regarded as features if a bad thing.
And from where are you extrapolating the info that powder toy will become a hand-holding game. There are 100+ elements and no tutorial, if anything TPT is a bit too hard for new users to grasp. Especially when nowhere in game does it point to the wiki page(s).
what if I really don't care about moving spnge? it's fairly obvious why that was a bad one.
I'm still confused about exactly what you are saying, some things don't make sense and also you haven't given any examples. What features are you talking about that were "removed"? Save compatibility is something we always go to great lengths to preserve, even with moving sponge we made old saves still have the glitch.
again, I don't really care about moving sponge. I know it's a popular one but that's not what this post is about.