Name: PDCL
Full Name: Powdered Clone
Description: Just a form of clone that behaves like a powder instead of a solid. Nothing too complicated.
Why?: BCLN is destroyed when it breaks, and doesn't behave in a powder-like manner. This would fill that role. This element won't add loads and loads of new functionality, but can be used for interesting things like creating particle tracers outside of persistent mode and moving regenerating liquid bodies. Plus it would be easy to implement.
local el = elem.allocate("PowderChallenge", "PWCL")
elem.element(el, elem.element(elem.DEFAULT_PT_CLNE))
elem.partProperty(el, "Name", "PWCL")
elem.partProperty(el, "Description", "Powdered Clone!")
-- anything else a True Powder™ needs?
elem.partProperty(el, "Diffusion", 0.25)
elem.partProperty(el, "Falldown", 1)
elem.partProperty(el, "Gravity", 0.5)
elem.partProperty(el, "Collision", -0.1)
elem.partProperty(el, "Loss", 0.95)
elem.partProperty(el, "MenuSection", elem.SC_POWDERS)
Because it does. xD
Well the whole point of BCLN is that it can be destroyed. If it just turns into a powdered form, its still creating, and still exists.
That code wouldn't ever work. Just because you base something off of CLNE doesn't mean it aoutomatically BECOMES CLNE except for the modified bits. Right now all you have is a CLNE colored powder. It would require quite the update function...
Yeah i tested it. If you want it to work it'll have to be remade.