Administrators/ user moderators

  • coolkid215
    8th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink


    Edited 2 times by coolkid215. Last: 20th Jul 2020
  • Box-Poorsoft
    8th Apr 2014 Banned 4 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • mniip
    8th Apr 2014 Developer 4 Permalink
    @coolkid215 (View Post)
    Just place reports on things you see, we all know existing mods enjoy reading reports.

    Besides, there surely are people more active than you that would make better candidates. Also your forum activity is quite low (1 thread 1 post 0 rep).
  • greymatter
    8th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    Hey in that list I have some nicks which I never used....!
  • jacob1
    8th Apr 2014 Developer 1 Permalink
    We generally don't add new moderators, and when we do they are picked by @Simon, not people who ask for it (actually, asking to be a mod used to be against the rules, not sure if it still is). There hasn't been a new mod in about two years I think (which was me :D). Some things I think Simon looks for are forum/irc activity, possibly being able to code, maturity, etc.

    You are very active in game, we do need more mods like that to moderate it. But it's not my choice, nobody here can promote new mods.

    Reporting saves is definitely helpful though, so keep doing that :P. If you ever see a user you want to report you can always pm me or another moderator too. I like knowing what's going on since I can't be active in game all the time.
  • Sylvi
    8th Apr 2014 Moderator 1 Permalink

    It's not the lack of moderators, but the lack of reports. I've been scripting TPTAPI, college work, and corporate stuff on my free time. We typically get 1-3 reports every two hours or so. Some days there aren't any reports.


    I would enjoy getting more reports.

  • lolzy
    8th Apr 2014 Former Staff 5 Permalink

    Some of us don't even rear our heads that often anywhere. Just the odd ban and report occasionally. I like to think that I do help sometimes, even if the workload is barely affected by my actions.

  • Box-Poorsoft
    9th Apr 2014 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • lolzy
    9th Apr 2014 Former Staff 1 Permalink

    @Box-Poorsoft (View Post)

     The end is nigh

  • edza101
    9th Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @lolzy (View Post)

     Ohai! Lolzy, you're back!


    @coolkid215 (View Post)

    Also isn't this kinda asking for mod which is against the rules iirc. Even if user mods were a thing I doubt they would be very common and would go to more active forum users ... mniip, :D