Name: LDBL
Full Name: Lead Ball
Description: Has many unique characteristics. Firstly, it melts at normal or less than normal metal melting temperatures. If it melts and cools, it just forms regular BRMT. Lead balls are not affected by pressure nearly as much as most elements. It takes very high pressure to impart motion to a lead ball. Gravity obviously still affects it just fine. The real interesting aspect of lead ball is its collision interactions. It has both gravity AND photon-like reflection code, meaning it bounces realistically like you'd expect a ball to. It shouldn't be too bouncy since lead is a heavy element. If it works nicely maybe a bouncy one could be added. Also I think maybe you should be able to somewhat alter its bounciness by changing its tmp value.
Why Add It: Lead Ball would add an interesting new type of physics interaction in Powder Toy that hasn't been seen before, and does it simply by combining normal particle gravity with low air resistance and the same surface-normal reflection code that photons and other energy particles use. Very interesting mechanics can be added with this, and we could enjoy playing with rube goldberg machines and other fun bouncy-ball contraptions.
In Conclusion: It won't require any brand new code written for behavior, it just combines existing code. Though you can somewhat replicate this with energy particles and black holes, it doesn't lose energy by bouncing and is hard to get parallel vertical gravity. Lead balls will provide many new opportunities.
Extra Thought: You could do something called PTBL (paintball) that has a ctype like clone, that turns into its ctype or a handful of particles of its ctype when it hits a surface while traveling at high speed.
its for the most part pointless
same reason for why we dont add: Unununium, Einsteinium, Haffnium, Scandium, Platinum, Copper, Silver, Nitrogen, Iodine, Silicon, Europium, Californium, Lithium, Actinium, or the Higgs Boson.
it seems like you want something like mercury,except that it sticks together?
also, as far as determining wheather it's about to colide with a particle it only needs to check the surrounding area(which particles already do anyway) and have a custom response to it.
its for the most part pointless
same reason for why we dont add: Unununium, Einsteinium, Haffnium, Scandium, Platinum, Copper, Silver, Nitrogen, Iodine, Silicon, Europium, Californium, Lithium, Actinium, or the Higgs Boson.
then why do we have glow,tron,or 24 different GOL simulations that exhibt only 4 unique behaviours?
glow has tons of uses, as seen is many space ship saves. my guess is that tron was to see if they could build a 'smart' particle.
glow has tons of uses, as seen is many space ship saves. my guess is that tron was to see if they could build a 'smart' particle.
Glow isn't really a usefull particle. it's nice to look at but the argument in this thread is that we shouldn't add particles that are cool but aren't imediately helpful to everyone(that would be tough to acheive)